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Grenada, August 27, 2010: Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, The Hon. Dr. Keith C. Mitchell, left the island on Wednesday August 25, 2010 to visit the United States and Canada for a series of meetings with the Diaspora community. Doctor Mitchell is expected to update Grenadians and friends of Grenada residing in those communities on the present situation in Grenada under the Tillman Thomas administration. He will also provide information to them relating to the hardships presently encountered by the people of Grenada. There will also be a number of fundraising activities which will be held in honor of the Opposition Leader. From the Office of The Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition


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12 Pgs
And if saying that we as a people have the right to call upon our government to carefully examine, analyze, and evaluate the performance of itself and ministers...if encouraging the people to peacefully gather and present to the leadership of Grenada signature petitions from their communities, especially of those affected from a lack of government intervention in the deteriorating economic, social, educational and health care conditions of their country and presenting those signatures as a call for improvement in their lives, is seen as a form inflamming antisocial activity, then so be it. If encouraging the people to flood government offices with calls when they see their representatives not behaving as expected, involved in corrupt activities, then accuse me of insinuating violence. If calling on the people to get out into the street and demonstrate against violence--inhumane and heineous crimes against humanity (the recent killing in St. Patrick), then accuse me of inflamming your subjective thoughts, or what you'd like to see happen.
00By: damond
9/11/2010 12:18:51 PM
The NDC government is not a joke. In fact, we the people are more jokers than the government. We the people elected NDC into office. Therefore, if they're a joke, then what does that leave us to consider ourselves? Our government problems lie sole with the people. We have the right to demonstrate and demand that out government act in good faith (please close-minded individuals, I am not insinuating any antigovernment actions). I am simply saying that if our elected officials are not performing in the best interest of the people and country, we the people have the right to call for the resignation. For example, the televised behavior of Burke and Richards should be dealth with seriously. These guys should be reprimanded and demoted. I guess Hudson Austin and Bogo were asleep while they were on TV. Allyn Walker and other representatives' failure to address the St. Mary's RC school ongoing condition should be rectified a long time ago. Out country's people are so intuned with themselves...self-centered, selfish...they don't see beyond their walls. As long as they have water to drink, food to hell of the rest. Change must begin from within for our community and country to ever change for the better.
00By: damond
9/11/2010 12:05:40 PM
this ndc government is a joke.i was a diehard ndc supporter but this administration stinks,pure and simple.i will no longer support this stupidness.they not only should be impeached,they should be jailed for neglect .
00By: stallion
9/3/2010 5:11:18 PM
I firmly believe the Grenadian givernment should be impeached on grounds: 1. Failure to live up to its pre-election promoses, failure to exercise transparency, failure to rebiuld our most critical instituion, especially the St. Mary's RC school, failure to carefully evaluate the performance of its elected officials....
00By: damond
9/1/2010 10:37:48 AM
Good morning Bro. Gabe. It's a pleasure to read your view regarding Dr. Mitchell's visit and address to those in diaspora. As far as I am concerned it does not matter who started the dialogue with Grenadians outside the mainland. We aught to be honest here...during the NNP reign, Dr. Mitchell made several visits and met on various occasions with Grenadians outside Grenada. Despite the fact that an NDC minister has taken a new approach to the inclusion of diaspora Grenadians...does not depict and validate any assumption and/or fact that Dr. Mitchell had neglected diaspora Grenadians during his 13 years reign. Yes, NDC is using a well thought through political strategy to broaden its base, and that should never be ignored. Simultaneously, diaspora Grenadians tend to be more open-minded now (than those on the mainland) and are willing to meet, greet, listen to and lend support to all involved in the governance of Grenada. It's not about NDC, NNP, GULP, Gabe political's about our beloved country and a push to hasten and better its political, social, economical and infrastructural conditions. I await every light minded responses.
00By: damond
9/1/2010 10:08:26 AM