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St. George’s, Grenada: Members of Her Majesty’s Opposition believes that the state owned National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) is a victim of the fiscal initiatives and destructive policies of the NDC administration. This view was expressed when General Manager of the Authority Mr. Christopher Husbands and his team recently met with a six member delegation from the Opposition. The meeting was requested by NAWASA to provide information on NAWASA’s decision to change its rates effective April, 2010. According to Mr. Husbands, the new rates are expected to result in an increase of about 25 to 30% for domestic customers. In his response, Dr. Mitchell explained that the Opposition fully understands the need for NAWASA to have sufficient resources to provide the necessary essential services to the country but indicated that he cannot support an increase in rates at this time when the economic situation is so stressful for the people particularly the poor and vulnerable. He also pointed out that at this time unemployment is at its highest and that the Government has decided to impose a 15% consumption tax on the people despite the economic situation in the country. It was then suggested that NAWASA should demand payment from the Government for large outstanding bills rather than ask poor ordinary Grenadians to pay more. The Opposition delegation congratulated the state owned company for the job it has been doing in these difficult times of lack of rainfall. He also advised NAWASA that in the future more consultations must be held with the general public and with stakeholders before decisions on important matters such as new rates are taken. Meanwhile, the Opposition delegation also took the opportunity to raise some concerns about the current problems faced by residents in some areas as a result of the water shortage. Concerns were also raised about the process involved in removing standpipes, and the discontinuation of assistance with water bills for the vulnerable in many areas.


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123 Pgs
Damond, that's why I came on here. Many think when the NDC came into office we entered into utopia. Many of the posters on this site accused me of many things because I was very critical of my government and the treatment they were subjecting the peace loving people of my country to. Case in point, the demolition of Ms Felix house, the pregnant mother of seven children who was squatting on government lands. I stand vindicated today because the government rebuilt the house on the same spot for ms Felix. What I wish for my government to do is stop the blame game and provide benefits for the people who gave them the mandate on July 8th 2008. You might be surprised to know Damand, that things have not changed much from that which you have addressed as being issues of our past. I know of workers within the government that was spoken to (threatened) about their involvement with the opposition and other citizens that suffered the wrath of the government as it were they were supporters of the NNP and as was said by the minister of health they were spin doctors for the NNP.
00By: Pastor Garraway
4/4/2010 10:46:54 PM
My dear brothers gabe, stallion and pastor garraway, it's a pleasure for me reading your commentaries, whether subjective or objective. Thanks so much for responding...even when I am harsh and critical of your views. Gentlemen, we must remember the past history of politics on island. There were times when our parents, neighbors, friends and even enemies were not allowed to openly speak nor share their poliitcal ideals or views with a family member or neighbor. On several occasions some were bitten, jailed, murdered, depraved health care, social services, education, employment, econnomic opportunities, etc. Our people were not even allowed to listen nor talk to a member of the opposing party. As descendants of those who suffered at the hands of the past, it's out duty to infulence change in whatever fashion necessary. We may not have a visible presence but we can be heard by simply posting out comments, but in an objective manner. Can any of recall the days when politicians came to our villages and instead of discussing the issues that were affectig the daily livelihood of the people, they would rather buy the older folk a bottle of liquor, give them a goat head, a few chickens, a ship and right then and there gain the votes. Collectively, we have to make every attempt to change that behavior...because a politician gave an individual two days/weeks' work on the road, especially in a four year period which is usually close to a general election must be stopped. The people of Grenada deeserve much better...their issues and votes must be taken seriously. It's your-gabe, stallion, garraway responsibility to ensure such practice does not continue and remain the status quo. May we continue to remain firm to our convictions.
00By: Damond
3/30/2010 7:36:07 PM
Damond may i apologise to you re my last posting where i have written your name as Dammed and not Damond and as my friend Stallion says we can do business for you seems to be a person who has grenada and its people at heart a man of the soil some one who our young children can take note of for your postings have been readable no matter which party one belongs to it make good reading. one love .
00By: gabe
3/30/2010 8:55:06 AM
damond,you make alot of sense in your posting,irrespective of whom you support.these are those concrete arguments i would listen to.unlike some people that post here that find fault with everything that ndc does.we can have a good debate regardless of which party we support.hope mr.garraway could be as open-minded as you.
00By: stallion
3/29/2010 11:42:51 AM
Dammed greetings and may i say many thanks for the advice i hear you as always i am always open to be educated and listen to thoes postings i find educational because at the end of the day we all wants what is best for our people in this times of financial hardship and although the medicine may be hash to swallow i pray that things will turn round so that we can all benifit from the harvest when it comes round so once again Dammed i hear you .
00By: gabe
3/29/2010 11:00:59 AM