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October 4th, 2010: Members of Her Majesty’s Opposition have expressed serious concerns about the lack of clarity in relation to the electoral process and the general perception that the Government may be putting systems in place to manipulate the process. Opposition Leader, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell therefore calls on the Organisation of American States to take a keen interest in the process leading up to the next general elections to ensure that the process is transparent and fair and that our democracy is preserved. Dr. Mitchell made this call when the Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, Ambassador Ramdeen paid a courtesy call on the Opposition Leader, accompanied by the local OAS Representative. Dr. Mitchell headed a three member team comprising Parliamentary Representative for St. Andrew North East Hon. Roland Bhola and former Minister for Education Ms. Clarice Charles. According to Dr. Mitchell, the Government’s decision to replace the Supervisor of election who was commended by international organisations after the last general elections, continues to be suspicious. He said it is very unusual to change a supervisor of elections before they reach retirement age or to replace that person with a junior civil servant who is known to have been a political activist. The former Prime Minister also raised concerns that the replacement of senior officers in the Electoral Office is also a cause for concern as these officers would have been needed to give support to a new supervisor. Hon. Bhola informed the meeting that he recently met with the Supervisor and is extremely troubled that there seems to be a lack of information on what is really happening with regard to the electoral process and apparent plans to make changes in the near future. He said the lack of involvement of political parties particularly the main opposition in the process also leave many unanswered question about the intention of the NDC Administration. Concerns were also raised by the former Education Minister about the lack of public education on the new system which is supposed to be implemented in October 2010 and the many challenges that this system is likely to create. The meeting concluded with a request from the Ambassador for the local Representative to hold discussions with the Supervisor of Elections in an effort to be updated on the proposed changes in the electoral process. OFFICE OF THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION


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1234 Pgs
Sheila Jones, Keith Mitchell has the power to determine what Tillman Thomas can and cannot do. Tillman Thomas will not act until a few months before the next's his strategy for winning the next election. Therefore, it's up to us, the people to begin making demands of the NDC to go aggressively go after Keith Mitchell and any corruption NDC officials are involved in...we, the people must force the NDC administration to do something...we've got the power through signature petitions, e-mail blasts to government websites/e-mail addresses, flood government phones with excessive phone calls...peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins. Unfortunately, these are the only peaceful and lawful methods that may force Tillman to put in place an inquiry commission to investigate those allegations of the "BriefCase-Me Money", Cap-Bank failure, money Laundering....against Keith Mitchell and his cronies, and officials within the NDC government. Power to the People!
00By: damond
10/8/2010 8:41:25 PM
as much as i agree with keith on certain issues,i think its time he comes clean in regards to the u.s. citizenship.and mr.tillman,for al the noise you made while in opposition about keith citizenship,could you please straighten this out for us?
00By: stallion
10/8/2010 6:28:29 PM
I am 62years old, but when I grow up I grow up I want to be an NNP. * They have very good memories, to remember all the wrong things they did while they were in power and now,they are hallucinating that the NDC will do the same things too, or the NNP are EXTREMELY crazy. I know Keith is very jealous.He want to be the BEST in every thing, the best damn crook that Grenada ever had as Prime Minister, so he is not letting up on the NDC, but Keith this is one position NDC will not win. BUT MR MITCHELL, WERE YOUR US CITIZENSHIP TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU IN 1995? SO WERE YOU A US CITIZEN WHILE BEING A MEMBER OF PARLIMENT FROM 1983 TO 1995, AND AT THE SOME TIME YOU WERE TAKING PETER DAVID TO COURT ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS FOR CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP AND NDC DIDNOT PICK UP ON THAT. Are you that good, or are you that damn good. Continue going on, you are getting Grenadian real mad because you have to much time on your hand, and you are only making confusion. the Devil only have work for idle hands.
00By: sheila jones
10/8/2010 9:12:38 AM
Mr. Fletcher, it's very encouraging to hear your views...not becuase you agree with me on certain issues, but strictly on your sense of objectivity. Yes, it seems like as a people some of us tend to turn against those who would take a stanch for the voiceless, under-represented, oppressed, depived, neglected, uneducated...which Maurice Bishop attempted to do. Nevertheless, his legacy of social, political, educational, cultural, economical...justice and independence still live in a lot of us. President Rawlings of Ghana, Africa made strides in his attempt to eradicate his country of corruption simple because he took decisive measures which our most cherished leader failed to take (execution of his destructive opponents). Fidel Castrol took decisive action and succeeded. Today, Cuba is the most literate country in the western hemisphere. The politicians who have followed our late and beloved Minister of Peace, patriotic and altruistic Maurice Bishop, have all gone in the opposite direction and regress the state of the people to further hands-me-down. Those guys who against Bishop hd their own selfish motives...some wanted him to legalize marijuana, others wanted top positions in his one thought of giving him a chance of taking Grenada to the Promise Land-Self Reliance and Determination...we were one of the fastest growing economy under Bishop. Can all of us imagine What Grenada would have been had Maurice succceeded? And no, he was not a communist...he's a Socialist...he believed in people and country first. And doesn't Canadian have a socialist style government? Education is the key to eradication ignorance!
00By: damond
10/8/2010 6:54:53 AM
In order to effect change in our country, the people of Grenada must be informed and encouraged to be proactive and take immediate action. Therefore, we must know who our representatives are and contact them when our community and society needs are neglected. People, here are your representatives and their contact information:
00By: damond
10/8/2010 6:33:27 AM