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GRENADA: A number of persons who received pipe borne water under the former New National Party (NNP)administration’s social program for the indigent, elderly and disabled/physically challenged persons have received letters from the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) asking them to settle their outstanding bills within 48 hours or have their service terminated. A copy of one such letter addressed to the consumer but sent in care of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development, Botanical Gardens, reads in part: According to our records, your account for service is past due in the amount shown below ($-----------). You are therefore advised that settlement of the past due amount must be made within forty-eight hours of receipt of this notice. Failure to do so would result in the termination of your service without further notice. Reconnection cannot be guaranteed before forty-eight hours. A reconnection fee and full repayment of the arrears will be required before the restoration of service. The amount recorded on the notices (from three of the persons who received them) range in value from $900.00 to over $1,300.00. At least three of the persons who received letters (one man in his late 80s, a woman in her late 70s and a crippled woman) claim that it is the first time they have ever received a receipt demanding payment for the service since receiving their pipe-borne water. It is believed that the bills were paid by the government under the social service program. This notice, threatening disconnection of water service to these socially disadvantaged persons, comes at a time when the level of unemployment in Grenada is increasing, the cost of living is steadily rising and scientists from the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN), based in Barbados, are predicting severe drought conditions in the country over the next three months. The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration of Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas has come under heavy criticism from opposition parliamentarians for the way in which persons have been removed from the list of persons receiving government assistance. According to Senator Anthony Boatswain, there are persons on the list that ought to be removed, but it must be done in a careful way so as not to remove socially vulnerable persons from it.


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1234 Pgs
The Man, I am sorry for crediting you with more intelligence than you have. The point is, if I choose to support the NNP or be a candidate for them is not a sin or an abomination in the sight of God. As I have said before, I take my lead from what He said in His word.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/17/2010 9:28:12 AM
Pastor if you believe that i lack the mentality to speak the truth well may i say that your total concern and the speaking of the truth as you call it gets you to where you are heading my only worry is that the RH Mitchell had better watch his back because you are showing all the pattern of being the next leader of HM opposition seeing that everyone else is leaving the party and you being a man of truth may be this is what grenada needs some one who can mend all the broken promises made by this government ,someone who will feed all the poor people in our country some one who will not cut of water supply to the old and disabled household someone for example that lady in st andrews with her seven children, so pastor weather we live in grenada or not we all concerned grenadians and we will be watching you and your good intents like speaking the truth for pastor the bottom line is people like you are the ones who as one of the previous posting said one who sit by under the previous administration and see what was going on but never got on your high moral box because i say to you pastor and people like you,you was part of that problem but now that your beloved PARTY is no longer in power because the belief was that they the NNP could fool all the people all the time,so my friend pastor keep on the good work keep on saving souls and i hope that you will see the truthful way and declare your hand as the official spokeman for the NNP party.
00By: gabe
2/15/2010 7:29:51 AM
pastor,i am forced to respond because you sound like a very spiteful man.i am convinced that you are not a man of god.a true christian does not have hatred in his heart for others.please tell me why you mentioned about abomination?i can clearly see that you are a sick person hiding behind the name pastor.but then again,the bible did say there are false prophets among us.pastor(or lack thereof),this is truly the last post because you wasting my time.
00By: The Man
2/13/2010 10:58:50 PM
Gabe, it is said once is a mistake twice is a habit. I am convinced you are not about speaking the truth. My post is there for everyone to read, why you keep misrepresenting what I write. You ain't tired. This is a true reflection of your heart. Come on speak the truth. The issue here is the cutting off of the supply of water to the homes of disabled and senior citizens in their 80s. Here you go again, if you were here in Grenada you will understand. NAWASA is a statutory organization, therefore the Government has shares in the company. But what you trying to hide is the fact that the water bills were paid by the Ministry of Social Services under the previous administration but since taking up office, the NDC stop paying them. The Man, the abominations the bible spoke about is a man lying with a man, a woman lying with a woman or human lying with animals. I will continue to follow the foot steps of Jesus.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/13/2010 9:07:44 PM
Pastor as a man of the cloth i now find your osting filled with hatred for this government and in particular PM Tillman and it is getting to a stage when one has to ask and question your real motives and i find my self asking why ,why,this sudden concernpastor you talk about the government taking away water /stand pipes from the very poor and the dis advantages who as you say worked all their lives on the estates mr pastor my mother worked all her life on the estate and my father was a fisherman and my point is when this news came out about the water issue it was quoted said that is was nawasa who had taken that action as for the very poor in our country as you call them postor can you tell us who pays for the wastage cost when road side pipes are left running ,when private bus drivers use these same pipes to wash their buses when the young able bodies use the very same pipes to wash their clothes pastor who pays it is the tax payers of our country therefore i and suprised that some of your vicious comments was not directed at the water company instead you aimed your nastiness at the government and inparticular our pm so please lay off him he is a good man who will turn our counrty around with the help of god and our people our good people.
00By: gabe
2/13/2010 8:36:55 AM