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GRENADA: - Residents of the Tempe community in St. George’s, as well as people throughout the Spice Isle, were in shock yesterday afternoon following the brutal slaying of Mary Lawrence, a female resident of Tempe. Ms. Lawrence, the latest murder victim in the country, is believed to be in her late thirties. The hapless victim purportedly sustained multiple chop wounds to various parts of her torso, including the hand and neck. The vicious chop wounds were allegedly inflicted by her common law husband, Davidson Paul, also known as “Hands.” It is believed that the chop wounds were inflicted on the victim after a heated domestic altercation between the two adults. Mary’s violent death has left her seven children, family members and friends in deep grief, emotional pain and bereavement. The Ministry of Social Services has quickly condemned the brutal murder and has made a plea for people in the country to learn to settle disputes without resorting to violence. In addition, a call was issues for all victim of domestic violence to come forward and make reports to the relevant authorities. The Minister for Social Services, Hon. Glenis Roberts, pointed out that as a result of the killing the children in that family are now deprived of the two adults in the home.


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12345 Pgs
To blame a the past government for the crime rate is crazy.There is not one factor that causes crime rate to spike.Let us start with parenting,if we have both parents in the home to supervise,instill values,morals,confidence and selfworth to the kids at a young age,we will see respect and less senseless crimes.It starts with family planning,instead of single parenting where there is really no supervision.We are a small nation that shouldnot have that much crimes regardless of government in power.
00By: Hangman
7/29/2008 6:04:20 PM
I agree progress.If the deterent could save one life then it is worth the effort.
7/29/2008 4:34:20 PM
This is the state of mindset the NNP left this country in. I will call on the ministry of social services to council people especailly the poorer people with large famalies with children Im sorry but since NNP came in government Grenada really change up the mindset of the people NNP mut have something to do with it thank God they gone but the people need counselling and Prayers its not an overnight change. The damage is already done. This mindset is all over Grenada now.
00By: hooligan
7/29/2008 3:55:49 PM
I agree with you Stallion. The death penalty will not get rid of murders entirely but it will act as a serious deterrent and serve to get senseless idiots to think twice before taking away something from someone they can't give in the first place - LIFE. If you can't make it with someone, just move away - there is someone else out there for you.
00By: Progress
7/29/2008 3:44:22 PM
I agree with you Stallion. The death penalty will not get rid of murders entirely but it will act as a serious deterrent and serve to get senseless idiots to think twice before taking away something from someone they can't give in the first place - LIFE. If you can't make it with someone, just move away - there is someone else out there for you.
00By: Progress
7/29/2008 3:43:50 PM