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GRENVILLE, June 7, 2010 - Thirty year old Winston ‘Poonsin’ Murray of Mt. Horne, St. Andrew’s made his first court appearance at the Grenville Magistrate’s Court this morning to answer charges related to the (alleged rape) and murder of twenty-nine year old Keisha Romain, also a resident of Mt. Horne. A large crowd of irate persons gathered outside the court house and shouts of ‘criminal’, ‘murderer’ and ‘rapist’ were hurled at Murray as the policemen escorted him to and from the courthouse. The murder of Keisha Romain, which is believed to have taken place sometime around Wednesday night or early Thursday morning last week, sent shockwaves throughout the Mt. Horne, Paraclete and the surrounding communities, as people commented on the wonderful person Keisha was and wondered who could have committed such a horrific crime. Initially, her boyfriend was picked up for questioning but was subsequently released. The other shocking news for residents of Mt. Horne was that Winston Murray was picked up by the policemen and charged with the dreadful murder. Murray has been a vibrant member of one of the churches in the area and has been involved in Christian outreach activities. The rumor in the Mt. Horne community is that Murray was allegedly in church sometime Wednesday afternoon, supposedly hours before the murder was committed, praying in a very devout manner. The policemen would have carried Murray to the scene of the crime - at an area of farmland close to the Paraclete Playing Field - over the past few days, possibly to acquire valuable information and additional evidence. There is presently a lot of pain and suffering in the area as families of both victim and accuser try to come to terms with what has taken place last week. Keisha Romain was the mother of two children who were very close to her and she cared for them and loved them very much. She is described by persons in the area as one who was quiet, helpful and was never involved in any altercations. She worked as an assistant teacher at the Paradise Pre-school during the IMANI program and up until her death, she worked with a relative at a shop. She was also said to be an excellent hair-dresser, even though she never attended cosmetology school. Murray was not represented by a lawyer and was remanded to the Richmond Hill Prisons until his next court appearance on June 23, 2010.


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123 Pgs
Mr Damond,no court should give short sentences to murders because they support a particular party. The law should be beyond politics. I think if what you said in your last blog is actually happening then this government will be judged by the people at the next election. Relatives in the UK were horrified when the heard about the killing of those two men in Grenville. They were worried about how our country had become lawless. Finally, if you have evidence that the courts give out sentences to offenders based on their political views then why don't you give this information to the person(s) responble for our juctice system.
00By: joan
6/10/2010 5:18:26 PM
My dear sister, I think you're missing the point here. The criminal activities that are daily occurring in Grenada should be viewedas both a social and political issue. We elect community and national leaders because we believe they are capable of protecting and ensuring the human rights of every law abiding citizen and resident. It's the government responsibility to uphold and execute the law. When a government and legal system would give-in to pressure and release criminals who have murdered a nation's head of state, cabinet members and innocent children and adults, and turned around and employ them to serve within the government, I am sorry they're not sending the right message to the general public...their behavior is not being seen as a deterrrent to crime...when the nation's top cop is appointed on grounds of political affiliation and is not ineffective in curbing the crime rate...when lawlwss men/folk are given lenient sentences for heineous and barbaric acts (premeditated murder)against law abiding citizens, then I have aught to politicize's a governmental/political issue...when individuals are given lenient jail sentences based on their political affiliation, then crime shares a relationship with politics. A a people we must demand that our government and socal/bias court system, ineffective judges and district attorneys get tought on crime and stop rewarding those criminals. You Do the Crime...You Must Do the Time.
00By: damond
6/10/2010 12:46:15 AM
Mr Damond you are making the killings in Grenada political issue... so may I remind you that these persons/criminals were raised during the previous regime 13 years..... it allowed children to roam the place after school. Our people in Grenada lost control of their children. You just had to go to the Esplande mall, Grand Anse mall or the bus station they will just be standing around or causing trouble.... However, I still support your veiw that the present government should deal with tough on crime and the causes of crime
00By: joan
6/9/2010 9:37:30 AM
It's a very sad and unfortunate situation for the children and family members of the victim. Simultaneously, I perceive the crime rate to continue to increase since our court system and government seem to be reinforcing and rewarding premeditated (not accidental)barbaric, heineous and deadly criminal acts against humanity. Apart from the release from prison and employment of two of the gang of 17 by our government, the Grenada court has recently rendered light sentences for premeditated homecidal or deadly acts committed against law abiding citizens. For example, the parking lot (St. Georges) murderer who committed a premeditated deadly harm against another young man (killed him)was given a very lenient (2 or 3 yr) jail sentence. The guy who killed the woman from St. Davids was let out to attend an eventfor a few hours and will soon be released...THAT'S NOT DETERRENT TACTICS TO SLOWING CRIME RATE. The behavior of the court and our politicians are sending the wrong message. THEY ARE unfortunately telling us THAT CRIME PAYS. We the people must begin to pressure the court and the government to act impartially and in the best interest of the people.
00By: damond
6/8/2010 11:15:50 PM
people in grenada are getting worse by the minute please minister hang the bastards who kill
00By: annymus
6/8/2010 10:52:38 PM