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Dear Editor, I just wish to express my utter and complete disgust with the indecorous, arrogant, condescending and asinine way in which our Prime Minister, Hon. Tillman Thomas (a man who was elected to serve the people of this beautiful country) conducted himself - at a recent press briefing held to discuss signing of the Maritime Border Treaty between Grenada and Trinidad - after being asked a ‘simple, straightforward question’ by a young journalist. I also wish to express very grave concerns over the role of the local media in this country in light of the overt, parochial reactions of three well-known senior journalists, who have always been perceived as having ‘very fraternal’ relations with the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration. As sure as day follows night, however, they were seemingly uncovered for what they truly are during the press conference when they reacted in what I will describe as an 'out of the ordinary' manner when the young journalist solicited a ‘pertinent’ response from our Prime Minister – a response that thousands of Grenadians would have liked to hear from Hon. Tillman Thomas. It will be a truly dark day for democracy in this country if the media were to become polluted with political bias and its critical role subverted, contorted and twisted to fit the narrow, insular objectives of a few who exercise undue influence in that realm. Let me warn Grenadians here, that if we ‘play stupid’ and do not bolt the stable whilst the horses are inside, then we will have hell to pay when the horses are out of the stable. A word to the wise is sufficient! Now, back to our Prime Minister. The Trinidad Opposition has expressed concerns over the signing of this treaty because they claim that it was done in haste by Prime Minister Patrick Manning and there was not sufficient time for consultation with the Trinidadian people with respect to how the potential hydro carbon deposits in the area is dealt with. Not only that, but the signing of the treaty has taken place at a time when the Trinidadian Parliament has been dissolved in preparation for general elections! Whether the treaty signing was legal or illegal will no doubt be challenged in Trinidad, if not in the institutionalized Court, then certainly in the ‘Court of Public Opinion.’ Now, here in Grenada, the Opposition New National Party (NNP) has also expressed concerns over the signing of this maritime treaty – whether it is only politics playing out here or there is really a serious and grievous error being made on our part is something that will surface in the fullness of time. I am not a supporter of the opposition, but I too harbor deep concerns over what is taking place. I have heard people saying that ‘half a loaf is better than none’ but if in fact we can have the whole loaf or even three-quarter, why settle for half? The point is, the NDC administration seems to have developed a misguided mindset that the Grenadian populace is ‘dumb, illiterate and cannot fathom complicated issues’ hence the need to ‘engage in business that involves the people’ without consulting us because we will not ‘understand’ the myriad of issues that are at stake. I, Mr. Prime Minister, beg to disagree in the strongest possible way! So the young journalist said: Prime Minister, you said that umm… there isn’t any haste in signing the agreement, so after seventeen years, couldn’t your government wait probably a month or two? The Prime Minister’s response was “Wait for what? Wait for what? I am asking you, wait for what?” (And his tone was highly inappropriate, bordering on outright arrogance and irritability). When he was told by the young lady that this could have been done to ‘appease’ the people because of all the ‘controversy’ going on the Prime Minister responded by saying that there was no controversy but ‘a few politicians making some noise…what is the controversy?’ Now, after looking at the video of the incident on the World Wide Web, I noticed that signs were being made by at least two of the journalists in the direction of the person asking the Prime Minister the question. I was not present and I hope it was not an instruction to take the mic away from the young lady. If that was the case, God forbid, then I think we have gone clear in this country because the institution that has been making noise over the years about ‘freedom of expression’ and the ‘freedom of the press’ will be guilty of denying one of its own the same rights that they so ‘vehemently’ fought for over the years. But as I said, I was not there and I could be wrong and I do not know that to be a fact. It sure seems to me that my Prime Minister is not really in touch with what is happening on the ground because there is a lot of public discussion about the ‘haste’ with which the signing took place and the lack of adequate public consultation, and it is not among politicians but among simple every day folks. There are also a lot of discussions in Trinidad, and the treaty signing is sure to become a campaign issue in their elections! The young lady asking Prime Minister Thomas the question was ‘on the ball’, fearless, and was not playing any political games and my heart goes out to her. Right now, there is a desperate need for journalists of her caliber in Grenada. To my Prime Minister I say this: You are not the master of the people, you are our servant – we elected you into office. We expect you to respect us and be ‘transparent’ and open in your dealings. You have always been talking about ‘strengthening our democratic institutions’ - this was one of your campaign mantras, remember that!! We, the VOTERS are taking note. When it was the present Opposition Leader, the press never allowed “Is me damn money” to die, but you are fortunate to have a seemingly ‘loving press’ and this will die fast. Please improve your attitude and do not become hostile with us when we call on your for answers. From: Proud to Be Grenadian (The views and opinions expressed in the above article reflects that of the writer and not necessarily that of the Inside Grenada staff).


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12 Pgs
Gabe, I have been reading your posts and you have to either be the blindest NDC supporter that I have ever encountered or you are morally challenged. Two wrongs don't make a right; wrong and right is not determined by which party does it or who does it - it is just plain wrong or right, judging from societal and biblical standards. It is people like you Gabe that were responsible for the Holocaust when Hitler was marauding the Jews, the likes of you remained silent either because you liked him or because you thought it was not your business. When will my people mature and rise above this party politics? You must be man enough to stand up and say wrong is wrong, regardless of who does it. Likewise, you must stand and say right is right and defend it. Don't always go back and bring up the NNP...they are not in government. We the PEOPLE voted for change, not only a change of face, but a change in how our business is conducted. So, just save it and grow up and cease your moronic logic!!
00By: Zephyr
4/26/2010 12:51:42 PM
my friend gabe,two wrongs don't make right.keith mitchell paid for his mistakes and so too could tillman is good for tillman to stand his ground,but he has to be respectful as we are the ones that put him in my grandmother said,it is not what you say,but how it is said.gabe,i support ndc on alot of issues but not this one.look,everything could turn out good with this treaty,but tillman still has a duty to consult the public on those kinds of decisions.
00By: stallion
4/26/2010 12:36:58 PM
Iam a proud Grenadian my friend i say this to you if you are as proud a grenadian as you say why are you not proud to let us know your name and another thing and dare i say tthat this is not a patry thing but when you say that you are disappointed with the prime minister tell me is it because of the way in which he spoke/replied to that reporter or is it the manner in which he said what he said anyway which ever it is i do believed that it is about time our pmstood his ground and shown thoes who still doubt his leadership that he is the man in charge because i too could remember how leader of the nnp use to talk to grenadians and i tell you this it beg belief that that man went to Havard so proud grenadian please go back and listen to some of the tapes of our last PM the RH KCM and compare his style to that of the current PM uncle Tilly and you hear / see the vast difference in style and presentation one is kool and the other is rough and i leave you to judge which is which.
00By: gabe
4/26/2010 9:55:27 AM
I agree with you Stallion. And to think that some of her colleagues, who are supposed to be supportive of her were looking at her with disdain. Shame on these journalists to allow the PM to get away with this absurd behavior. And, what is the rush to sign the treaty? Are we Grenadians to dunce to understand what is taking place? Are all the bright people in Government?
00By: Zephyr
4/26/2010 9:50:24 AM
tillman is making a rather big mistake with the signing of this treaty.this young journalist had a right to ask this question,as i too would have asked.the ndc party better start serving the public or they would meet the same fate as what nnp suffered in the last my other comments on this topic,i would like to know why the prime minister is in a rush to sign this treaty.take your time and get it right.
00By: stallion
4/26/2010 7:40:45 AM