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CATEGORY:SITUATION UPDATE -------------------------------- INSIDE GRENADA FRIDAY June 29,2007 by Nadia Bishop My name is Nadia Bishop. I am the daughter of the late Prime Minister of Grenada, Maurice Rupert Bishop. My mother Angela Bishop, and my brother John Bishop, support this statement (which builds on the statement published by my brother John Bishop last week). I was 14, and my brother was 16 years old on October 19, 1983, when my father’s execution was ordered by Bernard Coard and company. I will not go through every tear that was shed, or each dark cloud of social and psychological disruption that ravished our lives due to the early death of my father. I will not discuss the grief and remorse we experienced because my father was denied even the simple consolation of a respectful burial. In fact, my efforts to find my father’s remains are already well documented. My father was my best friend. The pain my family and I experienced need not be detailed to be understood. I understand that Bernard Coard and company’s lawyers are positioning their clients as the “victims” in this case by detailing their trauma upon hearing they were sentenced to death, among other things. I accede this title to them; they appear to have been victims of their insatiable desire for power. Maurice Bishop, however, was not a victim. His 20 years of service cannot be reduced to the last days of his life. Daddy was a visionary whose tremendous transforming love for Grenada, and Grenadians Galvanized reformation. He was a man I admired and respected greatly. Because of his dedication, he inspired me to believe in a transformative vision that could change the lives of an entire people. The power of his love for, and belief in Grenadians inspired them to believe in themselves, and in the great and luminous possibilities for our country. I am grateful to have lived with my father, and for all that he taught me. I am grateful to have seen his love for Grenada and been exposed to him as he actualized his vision. My Father lived as few people do, following his passion and bringing his dream to life. He lived a life of greatness and service to people of Grenada. Such a life was not that of a victim. I know this is not what I am supposed to say, I know I am supposed to describe all manner of pain, sorrow and loss so the court would feel in some measure the magnitude of the loss to me and my family. I cannot do that however. I choose not to focus on the last days of father’s life, but rather on his decades of passionate and dedicated service to Grenada, and his vision of all we could accomplish as a people. Even on his last day, his love was undiminished and he was more concerned about the safety of his beloved people that his own. This is the man I will remember. This is the greatness I will identify with, not a bullet ridden body, not a burnt body, not a body that lays in anonymity. Maurice Bishop taught me that love can make a difference in the world. His love made a difference in the lives of ordinary Grenadians who had never before had access to education, to health care, to a transformative vision for their lives. This legacy he has left his beloved Grenadians, not only in the form of social reforms, but as a beacon and a challenge to our youth. Yes, of course, we will have all wanted him around longer but let us chose to be grateful for his legacy, and let lesser contending lives remain as a warning that the light of a good man is better than that of several misguided ones. I trust this court will sentence Bernard Coard and company in alignment with justice, and cognizant of the lost sustained not only by the families of those who died, but by the people of Grenada.


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00By: Enoch Ben Gabri’al Jihad Shabazz Yisra’al Bey
6/13/2024 7:09:59 AM
P.S.S In conclusion the Antillean sister island of Grenada as a integral part of the Antillean chain in Bosom of Thy Holy Spirit IAM NTR Yahawah deserves some earthly justice to close this psychological agony otherwise Thine is to bring it for the souls of Antillean brother-man / cabinet is crying out for through Thy Chastisement / Judgment on the wicked especially these wicked Babylonian Yankee so dearest fellow Antillean you meaning entire sister must raise voice high for the Truth from the Yankees otherwise you will have to legally challenge the Yankees on the grounds of International Law / Treaty which is the International Covenant of Cultural, Economic, Political, Religious / Social Rights / Universal Declaration of Human Rights holding these damn Yankees responsible morally violating Grenadian territory period. Forwards ever Backwards never!By: Enoch Ben Gabri�al Jihad Shabazz Yisra�al Bey 6/5/2024 3:38:55 AM P.S. State Department : 2201 C Street Northwest Washington District of Columbia 20520 1(202)501-4444 to speak with Secretary on the whereabouts of Antillean brother Prime Minister / Cabinet remains under the Freedom of Information Act / Universal Declaration of Human Rights alright dearest Antillean sister for some closure. Forwards ever Backwards never!By: Enoch Ben Gabri�al Jihad Shabazz Yisra�al Bey 6/5/2024 2:27:06 AM Forwards ever Backwards never! This is the fellow Melanite brother from back up here in the bastion of imperialism none other than the wicked Babylon corporate United States of continental North Amexem who can say just how of much of a heroic effort that the Revolution has had on him especially genetically speaking being approximately two generations from the Antillean sister spice island of Camerhorne (Grenada) proudly despite this painful chapter from it�s leap from colonialism/imperialism what ample progressive revolutionary righteous salutations to the fellow Antillean brothers / sisters from Prime Minister on down further it is a honor to intercommunicated to one seed of such honorary greatness in illustrating to the fellow Antillean sister Nadia Bishop that in order to contact both the Yankee C.I.A / State Department whose addresses is 1000 Colonial Farm Road Greater Langley County Langley , Virginia 22102 1(703)374-7400
00By: Enoch Ben Gabri’al Jihad Shabazz Yisra’al Bey
6/5/2024 4:38:09 AM
Dear Ms. Bishop: I hope this letter finds you stronger than ever. My name is Todd McCain. I am an American born African living in the U.S. In 1983, I was a freshman in college in Louisiana. While in college, I became politically conscious of not only the role that the U.S. plays throughout world-wide poli-tricks but I also became aware of great human beings like your father, Maurice Bishop. Ms. Bishop, I quote Indira Gandhi, “Martyrdom does not end something: it is only the beginning.” The physical death of your father only proves that they may slay the messenger but never can they slay the message. Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso, West Africa before he was martyred in 1987 said, “Don’t shoot…You cannot kill ideas!” There are hundreds of Maurice Bishops being born everyday around the world that possess the same spirit of communalism and egalitarianism as your father. The spirit of Maurice Bishop cannot die but only multiply…smile! This letter is being sent to ask the permission to use quotes from your father, Maurice Bishop’s speeches. I googled your name and this website came up. If you cannot grant permission, please send me any information on those who might control the copyright or permission to Maurice Bishop’s speeches. Since 1996, I have read and researched over 120 various books. I have developed my research into a quotation and proverb book. Included in my book of quotes and proverbs are quotations from heroes like Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Harriet Tubman, Assata Shakur, Ho Chi Minh, Gandhi and of course Maurice Bishop to name a few. I have gathered most of your father’s words from the book Maurice Bishop Speaks published by Pathfinder Press. Ms. Bishop, I am writing you personally to see if you can direct me to someone else besides Pathfinder Press. Pathfinder Press has been very STINGY with allowing the permission to quote some of our heroes like Maurice Bishop, Che Guevara, W.E.B. DuBois and Fidel Castro words. They are very rigid and strict. Unfortunately they are very selfish with the words of great people who themselves were very unselfish. To control and often deny the words of our ancestors is truly a blow to their legacy. Attached below is my information. Please contact me. For time sake, you may email me with any other information that I may need to secure the permission to use the quotes of Brother Maurice Bishop. It has been an honor to communicate with you. One Love…Forward Ever Backwards Never, Todd McCain Editor World Harvest Press Contact Information: World Harvest Press Todd McCain 4731 Buchanan Street Gary, IN 46408 219.980.4540 Email:
10By: Todd McCain
3/25/2008 7:16:40 PM
Nadia, I am proud of you...always have been.
10By: Ike
8/21/2007 5:30:50 AM
Hi Nadia I worked with your dad and Grenadians loved him, his vision was pure and truth and coard and his stooges has ruined Grenada. Coard is like the Devil in the garden of Eden and they should not be allowed to partake of life, they are the scum of the human race they must die and we must regonise that the Honarable Maurice Bishop is a Martyr and we must keep his memory alive.
10By: Yvonne
7/6/2007 4:33:12 AM