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GRENADA: A number of persons who received pipe borne water under the former New National Party (NNP)administration’s social program for the indigent, elderly and disabled/physically challenged persons have received letters from the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) asking them to settle their outstanding bills within 48 hours or have their service terminated. A copy of one such letter addressed to the consumer but sent in care of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development, Botanical Gardens, reads in part: According to our records, your account for service is past due in the amount shown below ($-----------). You are therefore advised that settlement of the past due amount must be made within forty-eight hours of receipt of this notice. Failure to do so would result in the termination of your service without further notice. Reconnection cannot be guaranteed before forty-eight hours. A reconnection fee and full repayment of the arrears will be required before the restoration of service. The amount recorded on the notices (from three of the persons who received them) range in value from $900.00 to over $1,300.00. At least three of the persons who received letters (one man in his late 80s, a woman in her late 70s and a crippled woman) claim that it is the first time they have ever received a receipt demanding payment for the service since receiving their pipe-borne water. It is believed that the bills were paid by the government under the social service program. This notice, threatening disconnection of water service to these socially disadvantaged persons, comes at a time when the level of unemployment in Grenada is increasing, the cost of living is steadily rising and scientists from the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN), based in Barbados, are predicting severe drought conditions in the country over the next three months. The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration of Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas has come under heavy criticism from opposition parliamentarians for the way in which persons have been removed from the list of persons receiving government assistance. According to Senator Anthony Boatswain, there are persons on the list that ought to be removed, but it must be done in a careful way so as not to remove socially vulnerable persons from it.


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1234 Pgs
what spin?what are the facts?i have been exposed of what?and you stil did not mention your church of worship.pastor,obviously you are someone trying to cloud peoples minds.but not mine.this is my last post on this topic.good luck pastor for campaigning for nnp.
00By: The Man
2/11/2010 6:10:47 PM
The Man. unlike you; I don't speak on issues if I do not have the facts. Why are you trying to shift the focus? Or put a spin on this? This is a classic indication of a person with a weak or shallow mind. Deal with the issues. Physically challenged senior citizens are being abused by the NDC government and you don't want to be reminded of it because you have been exposed.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/11/2010 9:33:44 AM
Pastor,i can see that you did not read any of my posts before the election.I was one of the most critical opponents of ndc.Do you have the facts of these cases you blaming the government for?All you do is criticize and blame but you not objective.Like i said before,for a pastor you are doing a poor job of unfairness.By the way,what is your church of worship?
00By: The Man
2/10/2010 11:00:07 AM
Gabe, or maybe The Man, you might be more objective, Could you tell me what about the NDC that is civilize in threatening to take away water from disabled, and senior citizens? Gabe what you don't know these senior citizens would have worked all their lives on the estate. Is it too much to have compassion and sympathy for them? If I am wrong for speaking up for them, then forgive me. Is your mother alive, think about it, this could be your mother or father. Have a heart.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/9/2010 9:53:28 PM
The last post mentioned that ndc is in campaign mode.For the last two years nnp was campaigning for the next election.What i don't understand is why ndc is criticized for doing things within their rights and within the law.we may not like alot of things that government do but it is still their right.nnp did the same things while they were in power.i could list a variety of unjust things that nnp did in power but it serves no purpose.It seems like we all ready for next election.this is democracy at work.we vote,find fault and throw them happened to nnp and it might happen to ndc.but at least we have a voice.
00By: The Man
2/9/2010 8:46:56 PM