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GRENADA: A number of persons who received pipe borne water under the former New National Party (NNP)administration’s social program for the indigent, elderly and disabled/physically challenged persons have received letters from the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) asking them to settle their outstanding bills within 48 hours or have their service terminated. A copy of one such letter addressed to the consumer but sent in care of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development, Botanical Gardens, reads in part: According to our records, your account for service is past due in the amount shown below ($-----------). You are therefore advised that settlement of the past due amount must be made within forty-eight hours of receipt of this notice. Failure to do so would result in the termination of your service without further notice. Reconnection cannot be guaranteed before forty-eight hours. A reconnection fee and full repayment of the arrears will be required before the restoration of service. The amount recorded on the notices (from three of the persons who received them) range in value from $900.00 to over $1,300.00. At least three of the persons who received letters (one man in his late 80s, a woman in her late 70s and a crippled woman) claim that it is the first time they have ever received a receipt demanding payment for the service since receiving their pipe-borne water. It is believed that the bills were paid by the government under the social service program. This notice, threatening disconnection of water service to these socially disadvantaged persons, comes at a time when the level of unemployment in Grenada is increasing, the cost of living is steadily rising and scientists from the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN), based in Barbados, are predicting severe drought conditions in the country over the next three months. The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration of Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas has come under heavy criticism from opposition parliamentarians for the way in which persons have been removed from the list of persons receiving government assistance. According to Senator Anthony Boatswain, there are persons on the list that ought to be removed, but it must be done in a careful way so as not to remove socially vulnerable persons from it.


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1234 Pgs
Oh my God, tell me this is NOT true. Is the NDC so trivial and petty that they have to undo everything the NNP did even if it means hurting the Socially disadvantaged perons among us. Please the NDC need to wake up, it's almost 2 years since they won the elections in Grenada and they still playing the political games like if they're in campaign mood. I think it's time the Hon. Tillman Thomas let us see the Integrity, Accountability, Good Governance and the Government of inclusion and love.
00By: Cherly Ann James
2/9/2010 1:14:07 PM
John Joseph and EEEPE lets get real and have real discussions and not act like buffons lets have a go at this government in a civilised and decent way and not by making these useless comments as the pastor would and sometime say lets look at the bigger picture and the facts and not jump on the bandwagon.
00By: gabe
2/9/2010 12:01:52 PM
This is a period where this trying to get rid of the elderly and disadvantaged. This is shown by the action of the gov't. God help Grenada.
00By: john joseph
2/9/2010 9:17:30 AM
nothing the NDC do will surprise me. A bunch of desperate wicked men and women
00By: eepee
2/9/2010 9:13:25 AM
The scribes and Pharisees were known to deal with the people in a manner similar to what this article relate to. There are some today who behave the same way. They love to be recognized and accepted by the people, but it appears that they show little or no deep or genuine concern for the poor. God expects us to be a people of love and respect for the dignity that abound in those we label as less fortunate. Yes I have an agenda, and for now, it's the voice for justice, truth, honesty, standing up and speaking out for those who cant. The man, I think you know better than that. From your previous postings you appear to be one that will stand up for justice or was I mistaken? I expect you to stand up and show care and concern for those the years have taken its toll on. Its is said once a man twice a child, by this we know we are expected to provide for the children. Please have a heart, its more than what you are saying. We always have to take care of our people, and more so the less fortunate.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/7/2010 11:28:18 PM