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GRENADA: A number of persons who received pipe borne water under the former New National Party (NNP)administration’s social program for the indigent, elderly and disabled/physically challenged persons have received letters from the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) asking them to settle their outstanding bills within 48 hours or have their service terminated. A copy of one such letter addressed to the consumer but sent in care of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development, Botanical Gardens, reads in part: According to our records, your account for service is past due in the amount shown below ($-----------). You are therefore advised that settlement of the past due amount must be made within forty-eight hours of receipt of this notice. Failure to do so would result in the termination of your service without further notice. Reconnection cannot be guaranteed before forty-eight hours. A reconnection fee and full repayment of the arrears will be required before the restoration of service. The amount recorded on the notices (from three of the persons who received them) range in value from $900.00 to over $1,300.00. At least three of the persons who received letters (one man in his late 80s, a woman in her late 70s and a crippled woman) claim that it is the first time they have ever received a receipt demanding payment for the service since receiving their pipe-borne water. It is believed that the bills were paid by the government under the social service program. This notice, threatening disconnection of water service to these socially disadvantaged persons, comes at a time when the level of unemployment in Grenada is increasing, the cost of living is steadily rising and scientists from the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN), based in Barbados, are predicting severe drought conditions in the country over the next three months. The ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration of Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas has come under heavy criticism from opposition parliamentarians for the way in which persons have been removed from the list of persons receiving government assistance. According to Senator Anthony Boatswain, there are persons on the list that ought to be removed, but it must be done in a careful way so as not to remove socially vulnerable persons from it.


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1234 Pgs
Pastor,we live in a democracy and as such we all have freedom of speech.However,i think you have an agenda against the grenadian government.While i agree that the government should show more leniency to the elderly and disabled,how do you expect the country to move forward if we all get things free?Didn't the bible say give to caesar what is due to him and to god what belong to god?taxes or fees are things that were in place since past history.This is nothing new.
00By: The Man
2/7/2010 7:28:38 PM
Little boy, we are talking about senior citizens. Yes we are expected to make our contribution towards nation building, but don't you think they have made their contribution already? It is the norm that a survey is carried out before persons are placed on the socially disadvantaged list. I want to believe this was done in these cases. We therefore have to go back to the days and the things that have cause us as a people to build and advance and to be recognized by the world as a hospitable people. What about this name Little Boy, little boys are train up to respect their elders. Don't disrespect little children for their hearts are sweeter than what you are advocating here.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/7/2010 6:59:14 PM
We have to pay something at some time or another. Its about time
00By: Littleboy
2/5/2010 9:56:08 PM
Gabe, the information in the letter is true. I can attest to that. It is a sad day for the people when the men and women who have been given the responsibility to serve and protect them seem not to be in touch with reality. It seems like its a crime to be old and dependent on others especially the government at this time. One may want to conjecture that the people voted for change, but is this the change they were expecting? Also, Gabe the letter said the bill from NAWASA was sent to the Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Social Services. Therefore, the Government was paying the bills. You may not want to believe it but it is true, the Government operates as if the senior citizens are a burden to them. Eg. They increase the cost of insulin from $7.00 to $17.00 without even saying a word to them, they remove names from the public assistance list some of whom are disabled. The minister came and apologized saying it was a computer error. The former minister who said there were names on the list that have to be removed came and informed the nation why he said so, because the minister of finance Hon. Nazim Burke refused to correctly inform the nation. He said he submitted a list to the ministry with the names that have to be removed. Those persons are dead and people are collecting the money on their behalf. It is rather unfortunate the minister of Finance Hon. Burke choose to inform or misinform the nation.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/5/2010 3:57:23 PM
If such news coming from our people is correct and if the source of the information is correct then there is something rotten happening in our country for people should not have to endure having to be treated in this beastly way it is quite wrong no matter which government is in power and as for the water company Nawasa they should hang their head in shame,on the other hand if this letter which just happen to drop on the news desk of GC is correct i would like to ask the editor (1) did you research the origin /owner of the said letter to validate its content and was the sender of the letter entitled/qualified to the free supply of water or is this another of thoes stories intends on making this government look bad in the eyes of its people on the other hand if what the ex minister of ST patrick (now a senator) said that there are persons on this free list(from the previous administration) who should not be there brings to mind that there could be persons out there out to make mischief for political reasons and in doing so is out to mislead the public and discredit government and the water company on the other the other hand if these persons have a problem they can take the matter to the consumer body/complaint department headed by Mr AGAR ALEXANDER and his team that is what this body was set up to do to deal with issues like this so lets use it lets take it to the consumer watchdog.
00By: gabe
2/5/2010 6:14:33 AM