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INSIDE GRENADA SUNDAY December 16,2007 by Wallace J.A GRENADA: Young men and young women in Grenada, between the ages of sixteen and thirty-two, who are desirous of joining the British army, now have an opportunity to do so. Major Alistair Fife from the England arrived in Grenada last week to commence the process of pre-selecting recruits for the vacancies that currently exist within the British army. Every year, the British army recruits persons from Commonwealth countries to serve in the army but it is the first time that Grenada has been selected. It is now possible for between one hundred and fifty and two hundred young persons in Grenada to commence careers in the British military as soldiers, serving in various areas like Infantry,the Royal Engineering and the Royal Armored Corp. Many young persons in the country showed up at the National Stadium last week to see Major Fife and get more information from him as it relates to a possible career in the British military. In February 2008, after the completion of the application process and the requisite tests are carried out, it will be known exactly how many Grenadians will succeed in making the journey to England.


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Boy ah jealous dem and ah doh jealous dem. Ah hare dat living condiions bad bad. Ah hare also that wen dem fellahs come back from fiteing deh does suffer from real trauma and stress. Some of dem does get crazy. Ah hare wen deh discharge you out on you own and life dose be tough tough. So wen you get choose you noe what you in for and you ent sure you cud stay in Hingland after you leave or deh discharge you. Butif you get in and you smart den you know in ting. Doh mind me tek de happortunity.
00By: bayrum
12/19/2007 5:53:25 AM