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On Friday January 21, 2011, Mac Donald College celebrated forty-eight years as an educational institution with a general assembly. At about 8:30 am, as Physical Education teacher Mr. E. Bernard George hoisted the school flag, which usually came out of hiding around INTERCOL time, students looked on curiously as they strolled to their classes. Many seemed oblivious to what was happening. As if celebrating too, the maroon flag danced proudly in the cool sea breeze. Inches from the flagpole which was nestled between the science laboratories and the auditorium were some of the school’s countless trophies. Mr. George had artistically arranged them on maroon and white pieces of cloth around the platform of the school’s concrete crest. Copies of the school’s motto: “Saltando Alta Petimus” and posters shouting: “Happy Birthday Mac Donald College” adorning the notice board, office, staff rooms and the walls of every classroom solidified the fact that something was indeed happening. In preparation for the general assembly that culminated the low-key, in-house celebration, classes concluded at the end of the seventh period. As the students filed into the school’s auditorium with their chairs, some of them wondered loudly, “How comes we never had an assembly before to celebrate College birthday?” No sooner had they settled down than a bell rang. Most of the students quieted down and directed their attention to the stage and the chairman. When the chairman, longstanding Social Studies teacher and past student of Mac Donald College, Mrs. Catherine King was satisfied with the level of quietness, she invited the school’s manager, Reverend Doctor Osbert James to invoke God’s presence on the proceedings. Following the invocation, Reverend James in his brief speech reminded students of the vision of the founders of the school: “To have an institution that has a high moral tone and to provide good teaching in a religious atmosphere.” On this note, he urged the students to take pride in their institution and to engage in only those activities that uplift themselves and their school. This message was reiterated by Acting Principal Lorraine De Allie who also emphasized that a majestic celebration was being planned for the year 2013 when the school would be 50 years old. Reverend James was recalled to the podium and he taught the students the old school song: “Rise up O Men of God”. Then he gave a charge to the recently appointed prefects. Mrs. King, one of the teachers responsible for supervising the prefects, with assistance from Miss De Allie subsequently presented the students with their badges. Before the assembly concluded with the singing of the current school song: “We Belong”, head History teacher Mr. Carl Andall briefed students on the history of the school. He emphasized how much the school had grown from that momentous day on Monday January 21, 1963 when it opened its doors at 10:00 am to give 27 “… poor people’s children…” an opportunity to get an education. Many if not all would agree that after 48 years of existence, Mac Donald College is living its motto: “Saltando Alta Petimus” _ From the land of the leapers we aim at high achievements. Hardly had Mr. Andall delivered his speech when students began consulting their watches and the forbidden cellular phones. Just as they were about to protest about the time, Mrs. King invited them to stand to pray. Never had they been reverend so quickly before, but it was Friday and they all wanted to go home. The novelty of celebrating Mac Donald College’s birthday would soon wear off as the Acting Principal promises to make it an annual event and hopefully the students' curious indifference would give way to jubilant pride of the “Pride of the North”.


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