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ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, Fri. Mar. 18, 2005: In an effort to continue its awareness campaign about the impact of the HIV/AIDS virus and to spread the message of prevention, safe sex and abstinence, the Grenada National AIDS Directorate held a “Walk for Life” yesterday through the Northeast Constituency main road. Led by Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, with support from wife of Governor General Gloria Williams, members of the National AIDS Council and members of the Grenada Red Cross, the five miles walk culminated with participants walking around the tracks of the National Stadium putting a halt to the 2005 inter-college track and field championship. Grenada diagnosed it first HIV/AIDS patient in 1984 and to date 265 cases have been detected with almost half of the amount dying. Describing the walk, which began at the Boca Secondary School as particularly significant, Mitchell said that walking will also give high visibility to the fight against the disease which is threatening to wipe out persons in the prime of the lives. At the end of the walk PM Mitchell said that the fight against AIDS is global one and no one person should feel alone or helpless regardless the challenge. “We can win this fight. We must strive to educate ourselves about the HIV/AIDS disease and every individual can make his or contribution,” he said in his concluding statement to the more than 200 persons who completed the walk. The Walk for Life is one of many activities that will be undertaken by the National AIDS Directorate as it seeks to inform and educate people about the disease. The Caribbean is second only to Sub-Saharan Africa in the number of incidence of HIV/AIDS cases in the world to date. Reprinted from


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