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LETTER TO THE EDITOR (CARIBBEAN NET NEWS) Dear Editor: Those Grenadian lawyers who are raising the issue of national pride to get rid of Hugh Wildman, are opening a can of worms for corned beef. Hugh Wildman is a Jamaican lawyer employed as the DPP for many years under the present NNP regime. Some lawyers claim that Mr Wildman is a very arrogant person who behaves in a manner that is not appropriate within the Grenadian culture. They want Wildman out of the Grenadian legal system once and for all. There is a possibility that these lawyers might have a good reason to protest and show displeasure towards Wildman's attitude, but they don't seem to be looking at the example they are setting for other subcultures within Grenadian society to follow. These lawyers are only looking at their behaviour from a legal perspective based on Grenada's constitution, but what example are they setting for our calypsonians and other local artistic people within our community? This protest can be a slippery slope. Local radio stations play more foreign music on the airwaves than Grenadian music. Suppose our calypsonians decide to demonstrate against those radio stations for not playing enough local calypso music? And what about our playwrights, poets, story tellers and local comedians? They too can protest against the local television stations and say that their creative local talent needs more TV coverage, rather than foreign content. Our local papaya farmers can also do the same thing too. They can demonstrate against the importation of yogurt into Grenada, because the local papaya is even a better product than the foreign imported yogurt we are using for human consumption. Personally, I am sorry for Grenada. Suppose the darker skin majority of Grenadians decide to protest against the lighter skin minority by saying that the light-skinned Grenadians have a bad attitude towards them, as our lawyers are saying about Mr Wildman who is a Jamaican immigrant? So where do we go from here, with this pattern of national pride issue these lawyers are using to unseat the NNP regime? In 1951 the late Eric Gairy was able to capture the mind, body and soul of Grenadian masses based on national pride. He was able to convinced them to rebelled against the local white plantocracy and he won the political struggle. Can these lawyers be that effective as an Eric Gairy, with the Wildman issue? I doubt they will be able. As far as I can see, these lawyers are opening a can of worms for corned beef with this issue of national pride against Wildman. As a thinking Grenadian, that is the way I see it. Hudson George Reprinted from Caribbean Net News


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