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LONDON (AP) - Fans and friends of Michael Jackson rejoiced around the globe as a jury in California on Monday delivered a verdict of not guilty in the pop star's trial on child molestation and conspiracy charges. In Britain, Jackson's friend psychic Uri Geller said he couldn't believe the resounding not guilty verdict. "I can't believe it, I'm just so pleased I'm lost for words. I always said I want to believe that he's not guilty, and he's not guilty," said Geller, who helped set up the TV interview in which the singer said he sometimes shared a bed with children. "I'm trembling, this is so important, he did not let down his fans and all the people that love him." In Skovde, Sweden, Kent Vilhemsson, 21, returned home Monday from the United States where he had been waiting outside the court room in Santa Maria for two weeks. "The minutes before the verdict were the most nervous moments of my life. Now, these are the happiest moments of my life," said Vilhemsson, who was watching the verdict live on television from his apartment in Skovde. "Now we're going to party," said Vilhemsson, a freelance journalist writing for computer magazines. Media interest in the case was intense around the globe throughout the trial. As the jury indicated they had reached a decision Monday, British news channels streamed live continuous coverage of the scene outside the court in Santa Maria, California Interest in the verdict stretched into the Middle East, with Arab news channels al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya cutting to live footage of the courthouse as Jackson arrived for the verdict. In Germany, several news channels carried the verdict live, and the top-selling Bild newspaper quickly posted the headline "Acquittal!" on its web site. Martin Stock, the founder of a Jackson fan club in Germany, who stayed up late to watch the outcome, said he was overjoyed, even though he had expected his idol's acquittal. "The whole trial was laughable, and Michael was treated inhumanely. I think people were trying to throw him into prison to get at his money," said Stock, a 29-year-old employee at Frankfurt's international airport. He said he would try to organise a party with others among his 40-strong "JAM" fan club. Reprinted from jamaicaobserver


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