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The action taken by Grenada’s Prime Minister Tillman Thomas to prorogue Parliament indefinitely is seen by the vast majority of people at home and abroad as an abuse of power; a mockery of the democratic process as we know it and a last ditch attempt by a discredited and incompetent government and party to hang on to power come what may. When talking to some members of the NDC the only defence they can spurt out is a shameless remark that such an action is within the constitution. This is true but, as one Grenadian (the Mighty Sparrow) has put it time and time again, “a blind man could see” that the real reason for proroguing Parliament is to rob the country the opportunity of replacing a minority government that has frankly lost its way. What is happening is all party politics (a party desperately trying to save itself from being humiliated at the polls) and has nothing to do with running the country or improving the economy? Let the people decide Mr Thomas; you have played your last trump card. Please let our people speak not for my sake or your sake but for God's sake; let the people decide. Part of Mr Thomas’s responsibility as head of state includes a duty of care for all citizens, especially those living and working within the Tri-State. This is part of what he pledged when he took the oath of office. Mr Thomas's action to lead a junta government at a time when the political balance is unfavourable to him does not strike me as a head of state that cares for those who cannot help themselves (the poor, the sick, the old, the disabled); those who have been made redundant and can no longer pay the mortgage and have become vulnerable to losing their family home; those who can no longer pay their rent; those who cannot afford to pay for cooking fuel or fuel to run a vehicle (if they are lucky to own one); those who now find themselves not able to go to the supermarket to purchase essentials to feed their hungry children; those whose electricity or water is likely to be cut off because they cannot afford to pay off the arrears; youngsters who have left the education system over the past four years and have never work because of the lack of employment opportunities; those whose businesses are dying in part as a result of the mismanagement of the economy over the past four years; those who have built up a family business over the years only to see it go the wall; or the many businesses and business people who have carried out business transactions with various government departments and have not been paid; and finally, does his action means that civil servants salaries will be guaranteed? I hasten to doubt it. Proroguing Parliament will not in my view help ease the hardship on any of the situation I have mentioned. The economic condition is likely to get worse rather than improve as businesses and investors lose confidence in the structure and behaviour of a weak; demoralised; discredited; unpopular and undemocratic government that has lost its way. I understand that Thomas is a very bad tempered individual of a Jekyll and Hyde character, whenever he finds himself boxed into a corner he would start shouting to colleagues, “I don’t need this, I can do without this, I have my family," etc. If this is the case, Tilley, why don’t you for once in your life stick to your words and resign? The country doesn’t need you; the country would certainly be better off without you, so do the decent thing and go. Seek an audience with the Governor General and ask him to reverse Parliament Prorogue and face the music as a man; the ‘no confidence motion;’ or better still asks the Governor General to dissolve Parliament? These steps are in the constitution and are what we democrats call ‘true democracy.’ The way I see it, with an average of almost 40 percent of the working population unemployed and that figure rising daily with the announcement of a hotel closure and a brewery expected to lay off 60 workers all before Christmas and with nothing on the horizon to help turn the economy round or even having the effect of slowing unemployment down, Thomas and his party is heading for a humiliating defeat at the hands of the electorate whenever the time comes. Delaying an election will make no difference to the outcome except prolonging the pain and hardship of the Grenadian people. With the expulsion of Messrs David, Roberts and Hood, the NDC is unlikely to hold any seat at all in the Parish of St George. Karl Hood is not popular in any political sense and quite rightly decided not to defend his seat; David and Roberts are extremely popular and pull a lot of personal votes, without them NDC just doesn’t stand a chance in either constituency. Nazim Burke (NDC's only hope in St George), the man who is in charge of the economy during this Parliament, would have a tough job holding on to his seat for two reasons: (1) he would be and should be the target of blame for having the economy in the mess it is in; and (2) everyone knows he is moving house to Westerhall Point in St David, which is outside his constituency. This may have a negative effect in terms of popular support. Overnight St George is likely to change from Gold to Green, as does the rest of Grenada. The only person likely to stop a complete NDC wipe out is perhaps MP Letts, the much respected Member of Parliament for St David if he can stomach the Mao’s purge that has taken place on 30 September. Thomas's ship is sinking fast and he knows that but we are dealing with an irrational and bitter man who is determined that if he goes down his party goes down with him. I see his latest move as divisive and at his party’s peril.


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123 Pgs
hungry grenadian,please feel free to speak your mind.many people in our country are also crying out.for our posters on here,just because someone has a difference of opinion doesn't mean they need help.we need more posters like hungry man to say it as it is.
00By: stallion
10/25/2012 10:31:28 PM
Hungry Grenadian i am so sorry to hear that you were well fed under the reign of Dr Keith and now under the reign of Tillman you sucking salt and thats why you dislike Tilly and his forward thinking way in putting grenada and its people first well my hungry grenadian friend may be it is time you get off your butt and do for yourself instead of sitting on you lazy butt with hands stretch out waiting for the handouts because hungry grenadians this is one of a major problem here in grenada the other is politicans jumping ship when the going gets tough when tough decisions has to be made for the benifit of all, and it is people like you who will vote with your belly because that saw dust brains of yours will only act /do when some one or some politican gives you the hand outs and the bottom line here is that as long as yous belly is full you dont give a dammed how or who is going to pay for it because that was the always the norm here in grenada under the reign Dr Keith and thats why i say that we grenadians have to search our souls and mind as to what we really want for our country and where we see our country going these coming years and hungry grenadian while you are reading this posting step back and take a look at what people like you have done for your country (grenada) and it is this you sit on your lazy butt,drink the rum eat the back a neck and talk rubbish and here is an example quote the last election i was on a bus going to st.patrick loaded with workers going home after a hard days work and alongside there was this car with a megaphone campaigning and this young woman looked out of the window and say ah voting for all ah dem whoever could give me money to but me daughter a pair of shoes i then said to her that this is not the way it is done she then say ah doh care when the next one come ah voting for them also as long as they give me something for me children so hungry grenadian now you know why i say that it is time we grenadians vote with our brains and not with the bribes and handouts and while i am at it let me tell you that our country is not the only one going through hard times maybe you should read more and take a look at some foreign news which will educate your mind and not your belly then you and others like you may come out of that box yes the freebe box ,the hand outs box and not spending your time looking at american wrestling, john wayne westerns movies,and those reality shows. one love .
00By: gabe
10/24/2012 7:06:02 AM
Gabe: what you saying and nothing is the exact same. I wish you would stop speaking. When Dr. Keith was in power ah had more than enough to eat, meh salary was sure and life was very good. Right now, ah don't know meh hand from meh foot. And what in hell?? Going and lie down go fix it?? Ah speaking up, Dr. Keith we desperately need you!!!!!
00By: Hungry Grenadian
10/23/2012 10:17:10 PM
Hungry grenada please go and have a long lie down because it is quite clear that you are someone suffering from some form of uneducated memory lost or could it be that you were one of thoes people who were on the receiving end of free handouts from the them NNP/Keith the money is mine brigade not caring a dammed who and where that money was coming from so long as you just sit on you lazy behind with hands stretched our every forthnight waiting for the handout and not caring a dammed about any one else,yes it is people like you as to the reasons our country takes one step forward and two steps backwards because as long as we have dumb no brainers like you here in grenada those who vote with their belly and not their brains ,our way forward in terms of our democracy progressions and behaviour will always be wanting so yes my friend education is what is required to teach peole like you that grenada owes them nothing until they get off their lazy behind and do something for grenada and here is an example if some one gives you a plot of land (grenada) and a fork and spade ,some corn,some peas,some yams, a couple of suckers of banana and bluggos,now tell me what would you do with then will you still sit on you lazy behind still with hand stretch out begging for hand outs or will you use the tools to work the land ,well thats what the NNP and your man the dr keith and his bunch was doing all these years when they were in power giving the handouts without giving the people the tools to do for grenada work the land,so you see my friend grenada owes you and people like you who does nothing to advance our country financially ,but sits by and just run your mouth so my good for nothing it is wise to remember these wise words there is no use just sitting by and do nothing for it is what you put into grenada that will result in what you will get out of grenada for grenada owes you nothing. one love
00By: gabe
10/19/2012 6:19:51 AM
Any person not Jonah,the man is a blight to Grenada,power hungry and vindictive,he just wants to prove a point,hope never again.
00By: James
10/18/2012 8:25:57 PM