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ST. GEORGE, GRENADA, OCTOBER 30, 2012_ The Belvedere rain forest provided an attractive backdrop for the formal launch of the Grenada Nutmeg and Spice Festival which took place on October 26th. Once home to thriving nutmeg plantations, the Belvedere area awakened fond memories of the hay day of the industry in many of the ceremony’s guests and served as a reminder why a festival in recognition of nutmeg and spices was important. Chairman of the activity and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Aaron Francois said nutmeg and spices are special to us because it is our tradition, our culture and our life. He said the nutmeg and spices festival is seeking to bring home in a forceful way the importance of the industry to the economic life of Grenada and its people, to remind us that we are still the Spice Island and to let the world know that we are still in the business of spices. Acting Minister for Agriculture, Patrick Simmons in his remarks praised the nation’s farmers for leading the recovery of an industry devastated by hurricanes Ivan and Emily even when administrators were doubtful. The heroes of the land, our farmers understood the importance of nutmegs to their incomes and the national economy immediately took to the fields just as was done after Hurricane Janet in 1955. Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean advised persons that in the development of the nutmeg and spice industry in Grenada we need quality research and quality specialists. He said, dreaming is one thing and realizing your dream is another. The activity ended with the symbolic planting of spice trees by the Governor General, Minister Simmons, Minister for Housing, Lands and Community Development Alleyne Walker and Member of Parliament for St. John’s, Michael Church.


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well done to thoes responsible for putting on this nutmeg festival and hope that out of all this will come a productive output because ever since the passing of hurricane Janet when our country and our agriculture industry was badly damage we have seen a revitalise and improved industry but then came Mitchell,Ivan,emily and again we were back to square one compounded with little or no investment in replemishing action being taken by the then government of Mitchell and his NNP simply because they were too busy putting all their eggs into the Tourist industry Basket thus neglecting our agriculture industry and it is fair to say that these last few years we have seen once again our cocoa,nutmeg,bananas,and other spices blooming (oh how sweet it is to suck a ripe cocoa) as a kid and it is now up to our government and farmers and the marketing industry to go out and sell our spices in the foreign markets because it is well known throughout the spice world that here in Grenada we have have the best spices in the world because and as the saying goes -EVERY THING IS NICE IN SPICE ISLE-one love
00By: gabe
11/2/2012 9:46:42 AM