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The Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development has awarded 57 persons with scholarships to attend universities in and out of Grenada to pursue higher education in Arts and Science, Medicine, Pre-Med and Masters in Public Health. At the scholarship awarding ceremony held on January 16, Minister for Education and Human Resource Development, the Hon. Anthony Boatswain, said the Government of Grenada recognizes that “the most important investment that any country can make is the investment in the human resources of the country.” The Education Minister believes that countries that are now leading the world at the national output and productivity levels are those that invested heavily in their human resources. Speaking to the seriousness of the bonding agreement between the awardees and government, he advised the scholarship recipients, particularly those pursuing studies in the field of Medicine, to take the agreement with government seriously. The awardees expressed their gratitude and promised to take full advantage of the educational opportunity. The scholarships are valued at over EC$18 million. Source:


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Its a good thing, however, when these scholars graduate, they leave their country, the same country which started them off and go to make big bucks in other countries, while the lower educated Grenadians suffer and lack in the same areas in which our scholars earn higher education degrees. What can the government do to ensure that these scholars return to or remain in the country to do service and build, aspire and be grateful for the opportunity the country afforded them in the first place? Also the country need to look into higher pay for these scholars, getting higher pay will encourage them to remain or for those who study abroad to return to serve in their country.
80By: Veronica Hamilton
2/4/2015 11:54:46 AM
Veronica good point raised here because for to often Government spends taxpayers money on these schemes and some might say it is a bit political ,having said that 18 million EC dollars is a lot of money coming from our already over burdened high tax payers to pay for these students to obtain higher degrees and sad to say too often after it is all done ,they the then flee the country for pastures green with high bucks,also as you said there should be a ceiling on say that after graduation these students should be made to do atleast five years work in teaching in grenada as a means of giving something back to the country ie teaching in schools / Tamcc or made to pay a percentage of the cost of the grant.
By: Gabe
2/5/2015 7:09:09 AM