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Marli, St. Patrick_ The school manager, principal and staff of Mac Donald College welcomed 91 new students to the Mac Donald College family on September 2, 2016 at its annual orientation exercise. The exercise which started about 9:10 am began with the invocation by Rev. Dr. James. Following the invocation, the principal walked the students through a typical day at Mac Donald College. She urged the students to work hard and parents to cooperate with the school and support their children since parental support made a huge difference in the success or failure of a student. Students were also urged to become members of one of the many clubs at the school since membership in a club or group was now critical to securing a job. After giving a brief history of the school, Rev. Dr. Osbert James also urged the students to work hard and make their school proud. He pointed out that a successful school was one that was able to take a student who was barely able to read and write to five or six CXC CSEC subjects five years later. Special mention was made of Miss Andella Hypolite who excelled in the May/June 2016 CXC CSEC examinations. Of Miss Hypolite, he observed that though she had not placed in the first 100 of the 2011 common entrance examinations, she excelled throughout her tenure at Mac Donald College while actively participating in sports, academic competitions and co-curricular activities. To him, Miss Hypolite epitomized what it means to be a student of Mac Donald College and he urged students to emulate her. The students had the opportunity to meet members of the faculty and ancillary staff before being assigned to their form rooms. In their different forms, form teachers communicated their expectations and inspected the students’ uniforms to ensure that it was in accordance with the rules of the school. For the first time, students retained in form one were part of the orientation exercise as they had to re-register. Re-registration, which includes form assignments, inspection of uniforms and payment of school fees, was introduced to Mac Donald College in 2015. Students of forms two and three were re-registered on August 30 and students of forms four and five were re-registered on September 1. The day’s exercise concluded with a tour of the school grounds for new students.


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