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The Ministry of Health has mandated the Health Promotions Department and Vector Control Officers nationwide to scale up intervention aimed at preventing an upsurge in the spread of dengue fever in Grenada. Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. George Mitchell gave the directive in the wake of an outbreak of dengue fever in the region including Jamaica, where the disease has already claimed lives. Mitchell told health promotions and vector control managers that given the regional situation and the fact that there is likely to be an increase in the mosquito population around this time of year, the Ministry is not taking any chances and will not sit complacent. “We are all keeping a close eye on the development of the dengue fever situation in the region, (Jamaica) and so in order to prevent and control this upsurge in a timely manner, we are taking early and decisive action now”, he explained. The CMO instructed that specific and targeted intervention in areas where there is a high presence of the Aedes Egypti mosquito be given urgent priority. He also requested that public awareness and education activities be stepped up and should include heightened vector control activities aimed at preventing any possible outbreak on the island around this time. The principal symptoms of dengue are: High fever and at least two of the following: Severe headache Severe eye pain (behind eyes) Joint pain Muscle and/or bone pain Rash Mild bleeding manifestation (e.g., nose or gum bleeding) Low white cell count Generally, younger children and those with their first dengue infection have a milder illness than older children and adults. Watch for warning signs as temperature declines 3 to 7 days after symptoms begin. Some general prevention tips: Preventing dengue is as simple as preventing mosquito bites. So protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times in mosquito-infested areas. Wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants. Use registered mosquito repellents when outdoors or especially at times of high mosquito activity like dawn and dusk. Consider using mosquito netting if you will be in mosquito-infested areas. Ensure windows and doors’ screens are closed to avoid allowing mosquitoes into in enclosed spaces. Avoid areas with standing water. (Search for and destroy all mosquito-breeding areas, get rid off all unwanted and non-essential water-holding containers in and around your home, trim high vegetation, check for leaks and blocked drains). Prevent access of mosquitoes to an infected person with a fever. Remember that personal protection and the environmental management of mosquitoes are important in preventing illness. Source:


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This is a message for the bodies who is responsible for the Health and well beings of the people of Grenada,now some eighteen months ago the chief Health Doctor and the minister of Health issued a memo about the rise of Dengue Fever on the island stating the dangers of harbouring dead water around the household and in doing so gave several examples as to how to go about preventing such dead water from happening ,but sad to say it seems that no one in government had told the health Ministers and the chief medical officer that they should look no further than that pool of dead fungus and mosquito harbouring dead water around the break water below the post office and restaurant in Sauteurs St.Patrick,
240By: gabe
1/18/2019 10:43:44 AM