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Real Estate Connection

Terms of Use & Conditions of Service

Advertisements in classifieds may be used for lawful purposes only. Any information in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material; pornography and porno-related merchandising; material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates any laws. Also, we do not accept any "Get rich fast" or SPAM content.

All classifieds in are published in good faith without verification. reserves the right to refuse, classify, revise or censor any ads for any reason in its sole discretion. reserves the right to unsubstantially change or delete ads, messages and accounts without any refunds, as well as this legal disclaimer at any time.

You must evaluate, and bear the risk associated with, the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any classified ad content. shall not be responsible for any classified ad content. does not prescreen or monitor all classified ad content as a matter of policy, but shall have the right, but not the responsibility, to remove content which is deemed in sole discretion harmful, offensive, or otherwise in violation of this Agreement or any rules has in place at the time. may elect at its sole discretion to monitor some, all, or no areas of for adherence to these Terms of Use.

Classified ads or any other fees are non-refundable once the classified ad has been placed on our site or the service started. If you choose to remove your classified ad before the end of the agreed-upon term of the service (one month), you can do it; however, the fee will not be returned. If your ad is not displayed for twenty-four (24) consecutive hours because of technical difficulties on our part, we will extend the time of your ad to cover the ad time missed.
Please keep the link in your confirmation e-mail in a secure place as it will allow you edit, delete and mark your rental property as unavailable in the future. cannot be involved in person-to-person dealings i.e. you are using the classifieds on this web site at your own risk.

If you have any further questions about it, please contact us
