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Headline:  " “Black men have one of the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world.” "
Category:  Health & Fitness
Cost:  US$$90.00
Price Option:  Sold at Price Listed
Status:  New


One of the reasons is because black males have been found with more of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase. Which changes the male hormone (testosterone) into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone. Which is believed to play a key role in the development of both prostate cancer and non-cancerous enlargement of the gland? According to the recent study published by the British medical journal Lancet. (Source MEN’S FITNESS September 1992) REDUCE YOUR RISK! A time – tested synergistically balanced formula of Cell “tissue” Salts, Herbs, Glandulars, Vitamins and Minerals is now available! It really works- and makes a huge difference in your health and wellness! Men’s Formula is a male nutritionally corrective formula. It is used to reduce inflammation in the reproductive and urinary systems particularly the prostate and kidneys. The herbs, vitamins, minerals and cell-salts used in this formula increases the flow of urine, shrinks inflamed tissue, are antiseptic, increase blood circulation, enhance the body’s response to stress, increase the production of digestive fluids and calms the nerves. Purpose: To help provide symptomatic relief of prostate problems; to help the body overcome the effects of enlarged and /or inflamed prostate; to increase sexual drive; help control nocturnal emissions; and reverse symptoms of impotence. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN AGE 30 AND 100 YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOUR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY BY CALLING: Augustine Martin (718) 541-9722 Distributors needed immediately to cash-in on the most incredible re-order product of the Millennium! Don’t Wait – be the first – call now!

Contact:   A Martin
Location:  New York, New York, USA
