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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Bertilda Richardson - Grenada

Name  " Bertilda Richardson "
Better Know As  Lera
D.O.B  08/09/1958
D.O.D  05/31/2024
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Durant Rd, Grenviile
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
06/14/2024  @ 5:00pm


Bertilda " Theresa, Lera, Berty, TT" Richardson, 65 years old of Grenville, St. Andrew, Grenada W.I., passed away on May 31, 2024, in Brooklyn, New York.She was born on August 9, 1958, to Cecelia Knight and Morris Steele. TT is survived by her son Anthony Richardson, her grandson Anthony Jr. "AJ" Richardson, daughter in law Yolanda Richardson, her siblings Cleo Enno, Catherine Richardson,Gregory "Leon" Richardson, Ivan Richardson, Lucille Richardson, Louisa Peters, 43 nieces and nephews, and in laws, Mrs, Ann Richardson, Leatrice Richardson, and Terry Peters. TT was known for her boldness and bravery to profess her love for God, on the train, on the bus, wherever. Even in her last days, she prayed, she praised. She had a heart for God. She stood up for everything that was right. Her loyalty was unmatched. She was never afraid of what others would think. She loved to sing and teach. She helped to raise many of the children she encountered in her life- after all, she was everyone's favorite Sunday School Teacher! TT was loved by many. She will be remembered for everything she has taught us. She will be remembered for all her smart remarks that got us upset at times. She will be remembered as the only person that can wrap ice in paper towel and crack it with a spoon over a cup. As the person who joked on us about eating Chinese food too often but when offered some, ate it too.She will be remembered for her ability to take on the world because nothing was bigger than her faith. Bottom line is no one could keep her quiet. No one could change her.I know many hated that, but she was anointed and appointed for such a time. TT, we thank God for allowing you the time you spent on this earth with your family and loved ones. We acknowledge and honor you. You've worked so hard serving the people of God through being a member of his church. Through your art and skills in decorating, cleaning, preparing communion, being on the worship team, and so much more! Literally being the Jane of all trades. You did these things with your whole heart. Never ask for anything in return because you were his faithful servant. Galatians 5:13 says, "But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh, rather, serve one another humbly in love." Jesus showed the ultimate selflessness in laying down his life to set us free. She sought to imitate his selfless love by serving others instead of simply serving herself. She has given us so many wonderful memories and moments. Laughter until our stomach would hurt. Experiences that infuriated us because we didn't understand that the intentions were meant to to uplift us in ways no one did. You did what you were called to do. Even in death, people are affected by your presence. You life was nothing short of a blessing. You are no longer in pain. Our beautiful girl. You will forever be missed. You are welcomed home. Lovingly submitted by the family. Funeral Service will be held on Friday June 14, 2024 at the Crown Heights Gospel Church, 320 Rockaway Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11233(between Prosect Pl. and Eastern Parkway). Viewing: 5PM-7PM Service: 7PM Private cremation: Saturday June 15, 2024

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  S.A. Johnson Funeral Home
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  347-777-9797

My condolences go out to the family of Lera. She was my first God child. She was very sweet, loving and caring. She will be missed by all those she came in contact with RIP 🙏🏽
MISSOURI CITY TX 77589 [6/12/2024]

Condolences to the family. Be strong and of a good courage. Thank God for the blessed hope that Sister Richardson had-she trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ. May she rest in peace.
GEORGIA [6/12/2024]

Condolences to Tony
GRENADA 🇬🇩 [6/6/2024]
