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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Osmund Joseph Charles - Grenada

Name  " Osmund Joseph Charles "
Better Know As  Mr Joe
D.O.B  11/08/1925
D.O.D  11/09/2014
Parish From  St John's
District  Gouyave Estate
Place of Death  Gouyave, Grenada
Service Date
Nov 28, 2014  @ 2:00 pm


Osmund Joseph Charles also known as “Mr. Joe” of Market Square, Gouyave Estate, St. John, Grenada. Former Employee of McIntyre and Gleans Garages, passed away on Sunday 9th November, 2014 at the age of 89. He was the life long friend of Cicely Lewis deceased. Father of Dolores, Verna, Vernice, Jerry and Judy in Grenada, Paul in the USA. Many grandchildren, Great grandchildren, cousins and friends in Grenada, USA and Trinidad.
Special Info  Funeral Service will be on Friday 28th November, 2014 at 2:00 pm at the Gouyave R C Church and interment at the Dougladston Cemetery.

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Sherma George
Location:  Gouyave, St. Johns, Grenada

our heartfelt sympathy to the judy, jerry, dolores, paul,londa, loreen and luann. it is hard to bear the loss of one so dear, but remember the comfort of a loving god is always near us. so may he help to ease the sorrow and sadness that you feel, for there's no pain on this earth that heaven cannot heal. DELMA & AJ MITCHELL
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK [11/27/2014]

Sympathy to Verna, Vernice, Judy, Deloris, Paul and Jerry.
BROOKLYN [11/14/2014]

Delores, Paul, Jerry, Judy, Verna and Vernice. My family and I extend our sympathy to you all in this difficult time. Rely on each other for strength and take comfort in knowing that those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is memory they will remain in our Hearts. RIP Joe Joe, you will be missed.
BROOKLYN, NY [11/14/2014]
