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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Curtis Francis - Grenada

Name  " Curtis Francis "
D.O.B  May 29, 1937
D.O.D  02/04/2020
Parish From  St. George
District  Grand Mal - Mt. Moritz
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
02/21/2020  @ 7:00pm


We regret to announce the death of Curtis Francis of Grand Mal - Mt Moritz, St. George who resided in Brooklyn New York, who passed away on Tuesday February 4th, 2020 Funeral Service for the late Curtis Francis will be at St. Vincent Ferrer R.C. Church, 925 East 37 Street, Brooklyn, New York (corner of 37 street and Glenwood Ave) at 7:00PM Funeral Viewing: 5:00 - 7:00PM Funeral Service: 7:00PM

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

Condolences to Hilary Francis on the passing of your father Mr Cutis Francis. Condolences also to Wilma,Shirley-Ann,Auntie June,all other family members & friends who loved Mr Curtis. May God make peace with & accept your father’s soul. Rest In Peace!
WPB FL [2/20/2020]
