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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Veronica Ann Raymond Nee` Phillip - Grenada

Name  " Veronica Ann Raymond Nee` Phillip "
Better Know As  Poppin
D.O.D  07/20/2018
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Tivoli
Place of Death  Livingston NJ
Service Date
07/29/2018  @ 6:00pm


Veronica Ann Raymond Nee` Phillip of Tivoli St. Andrews, died on Friday July 20th, 2018 Survived by her husband Darrel Raymond Children: Uroy, Cashena Rachel and Dixiann Father: Dowlyn Panchoo Brothers and sisters, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, cousins, the Phillip, Panchoo, Tannis, Stanislaus, and Bhola families of Tivoli and surrounding villages. Funeral service will be held on July 29th, 2018 at the Church of the Oranges, 270 Reynolds Terrace, Orange New Jersey. Viewing from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM service starts promptly at 7:00 PM.
Special Info  Burial will be in Grenada at a later date.

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Linith Stanislaus
Location:  East Orange, New Jersey, USA


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