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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Samuel John Forrester - Grenada

Name  " Samuel John Forrester "
D.O.B  01/01/1935
D.O.D  04/04/2018
Parish From  St. Johns
District  Grand Roy
Place of Death  Brooklyn, NY
Service Date
04/21/2018  @ 9:00am


VIEWING: For our beloved, Samuel J Forrester, will be held on April 21st from 8 - 9 AM. Funeral Service follows at 9:00 AM LOCATION: Frank J Barone Funeral Home, 4502 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Interment at the Rosehill Cemetery, 792 E Edgar Rd, Linden, NJ 07036
Special Info  Our beloved, Samuel J Forrester, formerly of Grandroy, Grenada, last residing in Brooklyn, NY, departed this life on Wednesday 4th April 2018, at the University Hospital of Brooklyn New York USA. He was 83 years of age. He is survived by his: WIFE - Janet Forrester residing in Brooklyn New York SONS - Egbert Edwards residing in Grenada and family Alson Luke Edwards residing in Grenada and family Paul Benjamin of Grenada and family Anthony Forrester residing in New York and family Venrick Forrester residing in Montserrat and family Finbar Forrester residing in the United Kingdom and family Fitzroy Martin residing in the United Kingdom and family DAUGHTERS - Mable Edwards-Marcelle residing in Trinidad and family Mave Noel-Domalski residing in Germany and family BROTHERS - Davis Forrester residing in the United Kingdom and family Leslie Forrester residing in the United Kingdom and family SISTERS - Baba Forrester residing in Grenada and family Lisa Renee residing in the USA and family Also left to mourn - Children of his deceased brother Sam Forrester, who passed away in Grenada Children of his deceased brother Ben Forrester, who passed away in USA Children of his deceased brother Herbert Forrester, who passed away in Jamaica Children of his deceased brother Phil Forrester, who passed away in St. Lucia Children of his deceased brother Phillip Forrester, who passed away in United Kingdom Children of his deceased sister Tina Thomas, who passed away in the United Kingdom Children of his deceased sister Dorothy Forrester, who passed away in Grenada Children of his deceased sister Cicely Forrester, who passed away in Canada NIECES - Veronica Forrester and Sandra Watts in the USA - The Perkins family Plus, many other Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, Friends and Relatives both here and abroad too numerous to mention. May his Soul rest in Eternal Peace!

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Anthony Forrester
Location:  Mount Vernon, New York, USA

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will soon reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST. GEORGE [4/21/2018]
