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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Leonard Alexander Wharwood Jr. - Grenada

Name  " Leonard Alexander Wharwood Jr. "
Better Know As  Junior
D.O.B  11/29/1958
D.O.D  8/23/2018
Parish From  St. Davids
District  Marlmount
Place of Death  Montreal, Quebec
Service Date
8/31/2018  @ 10:00 Am


Leonard Wharwood was born on November 29, 1958 from the union of Leonard Wharwood, Sr. and Ena Daphne Wharwood formally of Marlmount, St. David’s, Grenada. Leonard was the fourth of six children from his mother. He began his formal education at St. David's Catholic school. He later attended Presentation Boys College. He was a very active and popular teen, and like so many young island boys, he loved engaging in a game of soccer, cricket and marbles with his numerous brothers; but you could catch him stealing away a few quiet moments to read, which was one of his many passions. In the early 1980s he began serving as a consular officer in the Grenadian Embassy of Washington D.C. In 1983, Junior made the move to Montreal, Canada, where he immersed himself into the Grenadian community. He later went on to complete a certificate in public speaking at Concordia University. Junior began working at the reputable McGill University where he has worked for over 25 years. Alongside Junior served as Honorary Counsel for Grenada in Quebec for both (NDC) National Democratic counsel and (NNP) New National Party a position that he loved and honored. Junior was the life of the party and master orator. He relished every opportunity to speak in front of a crowd. Junior was a dedicate father and his children meant the world to him. He had many titles, but his most important was known as “Daddy.” He was the cornerstone of his family, and mere words could never fully describe how greatly he will be missed; by kin and friends alike. Leonard Wharwood Jr. was sadly called home on August 23, 2018. He is proceeded in death by his father, Leonard Wharwood Sr., and his brother, Selwyn Alexander. He leaves behind to mourn his mother, Ena Daphne Wharwood, Ancil Gittens, daughters Jamie Victoria Ward, Nneka Zipporah Wharwood, and Nzingha Chenoa Maya Wharwood, and Summer Mark. He is survived by his brothers Byron, Cosmas, Ian, Irvin, Kirt, Lennox, Leslie, Linton, Lance, Trevor, and his sisters, Leonie and Sonia. He is survived by his aunts, Louise Rennie and Jocelyn Bubb, not to mention a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family and dear friends. The family of Leonard Wharwood Jr. would like to thank all the guest for attending the Services and wish to express their appreciation for your kind thoughts and expressions of sympathy. We will like to give special mention to all dignitaries of the Grenadian Government, family and friends. Please keep the daughters of Leonard in your constant prayers as they search for closure.
Special Info  Centre Funeraire de Cote des Neiges, Dignité (4525 la Côte-des-Neiges Montreal, QC H3V1E7) Memorial Tribute Saturday September 1st at 6 p.m. St. Kevin’s Church, 5600 Cote Des Neiges Road Montreal, QC H3T 1Z1

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Wharwood Family (Wharwood)
Location:  , , USA

Our (Farray, Clarke, Taylor, Humphrey families) sincerest condolences to his mom, siblings, children, family and friends of Junior. He leaves an excellent legacy. Your earthly body has departed this earth but your love, goodness and memories remain. Continue to SIP dear friend and mentor..
MONTREAL, CANADA [10/9/2018]

My family and I extend heartfelt condolences to you, the family of Junior Wharwood. His passing saddens us. But we know that he is whole and without pain. May his soul sleep in eternal peace. Remembering him with love
GRENADA, WI [9/5/2018]

Heartfelt condolences to the entire Wharwood family My childhood neighbor may your soul rest in peace .

My condolence and sympathy to the entire Wharwood family and his immediate family. RIP Jr.
GEORGIA, USA [8/30/2018]

My condolence to the family
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK [8/29/2018 10:21:26 PM]

My deepest condolences to the entire Wharwood family with a special mention to Pat and Lennox. I remember them
BROOKLYN [8/29/2018]
