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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Boston John - Grenada

Name  " Boston John "
Better Know As  Bones
D.O.B  03-01-1952
D.O.D  01/16/2019
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Pearls
Place of Death  Barbados
Service Date
02/05/2019  @ 2:30pm


Boston John aka Bones of Pearls St. Andrew, who resided in Barbados, passed away on Wednesday 16th January at the age of 67. He was a Horse Jockey and Trainer in Grenada & Barbados and a member of the Turf Club in Barbados. He was the son of the late Horse Jockey Kazar John, a Horse Jockey and Trainer of Pearls. He survived by his wife Cheryl John in Barbados, his two children Kenny John in Barbados and Celia Stephens in New York. He was the stepfather of Ricardo Warner in Barbados. He was the brother of Raymond AKA Joe, Emmanuel AKA Kie and Effie AKA Tickie; Drina & Joslyn and Lucille in England. He was the grandfather of one Johnny Stephen in New York. Nephew of John Ramoo in Moyah. His nieces Patriota & Delsta in the U. K, Skeeter in New York, Janet, Dianne, Shellon & Tricia. His nephews Desmond AKA Gazoo, Waldron AKA Cupeh, Larry and Colin AKA as Mackerel in Grenada, Don & Jaggie in New York, Tony, Jerry, Peter, Shawn and Richard in the the UK. Many relatives & friends including Gloria Charles and the Charles family of Pearls, Narine families of Redmud, the Ramoo family of Paraclette, Clarence John and the John family of Conference, Ralph Baptist and the Baptist family of Telescope, Janet Forrester, Ms Cox of Barbados, the Stephen family in Pearls, friends and neighbours of Pearls and surrounding areas. His burial will take place in Barbados on February 5th. A memorial service will be held in Grenada ,which will be given at a subsequent broadcast. The memorial sercive for the late Boston John, will take place on Sunday February 10th, at 2pm, at the Pearls Church Of God in Pearls St. Andrew.

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Skeeter Peters (N/A)
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA

I'm terribly sorry for your loss. May our Creator's promises at Revelation 21:4; 22:1,2 and John 5:28,29 bring you comfort in this difficult time.
ST. GEORGE [2/21/2019]

My sincere condolences to all the family. May you remember the resurrection hope promised to us at Acts 24:15 which will give you the opportunity to see Boston again. I hope this may give you some measure of comfort.
JM [2/9/2019]

We, the John family of Pearls, are saddened by the passing of our beloved Boston John, or Bone/s, as he was fonldy called by friends and loved ones. Though we lived apart, distance and time did not diminish the love, affection, and cherished memories we have of you. As you're being laid to rest, though some of us are not there in the physical, we are there in spirit, and it is with heavy hearts we say,
BROOKLYN, NY [2/4/2019]
