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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Rhonda Brenda Robinson - Grenada

Name  " Rhonda Brenda Robinson "
D.O.B  09/26/1966
D.O.D  01/03/2020
Parish From  St. Davids
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
01/09/2020  @ 10:30am


We regret to announce the death of Rhonda Brenda Robinson of St. David's, who resided in Brooklyn, New York passed away on Friday, January 3rd, 2020 at the age of 53 Funeral service for the late Rhonda Brenda Robinson will be on Thursday, January 9th, 2020 at the St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Church, 1081 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, New York (corner of Nostrand Ave. and Maple Street) at 10:30AM, Viewing: 9:30AM Funeral Service: 10:30AM

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

Rest well my old friend. You and I went through a lot together - both good and bad. You had the best sense of humor. Although we haven’t spoken for many years I always remember the fun we had together along with Debra and Glenda. I practically lived at your house many a weekend. Condolences go out to T, Alice, and Dexter. ❤️💛💚
MARYLAND [1/10/2020]
