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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Lincoln O. Regis - Grenada

Name  " Lincoln O. Regis "
D.O.B  01/26/1966
D.O.D  03/24/2021
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Crochu
Place of Death  Manhattan,NY
Service Date
04/16/2021  @ 10:00am


Lincoln is survived by his: Mother:Bernice James, Father:James Regis and Stepmother:Monica Regis. Wife: Beverly Persue-Regis Three children:Nichole, Ishmael and Arianne. One son-in-law,Lloyd Walters. Five Stepchildren, three grandchildren: Kaiden and Amya. Brothers: Rannie, Jude, Valentine Regis and Lester James. Sisters: Neltris, Sandra, Zilma and Beverly. Five Stepbrothers and one Stepsister. Uncles: Denis, Harry, Peter. Aunts: Gloria, Hilda and Bernadette. Many nieces and nephews, cousins and family and friends. Funeral Service to be held at Living Word Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1000 E 46th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11203 (between Glenwood Rd and Farragut Rd) Viewing: 10AM Service: 11AM

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  S.A. Johnson Funeral Home
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  347-777-9797

Condolences to the entire Regis family!!
BROOKLYN,NY [4/6/2021]
