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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Lawrence Renaud - Grenada

Name  " Lawrence Renaud "
Better Know As  Neil
D.O.B  01/07/66
D.O.D  12/12/2018
Parish From  St. George
District  Cherry Hill
Place of Death  Brooklyn,NY
Service Date
12/19/2018  @ 5:00pm


Lawrence Neil Renaud was born in Crochu, St. Andrew’s on the small island of Grenada, W.I on January 7, 1966. As a young boy he moved from Crochu to Cherry Hill, St. George’s better known as the “the long step” where he spent his entire childhood prior to migrating to the United States on April 1983. Upon migrating to the United States, Lawrence started his career as a florist. Shortly thereafter moved onto working at Window Palace Inc. where he worked for 27 years holding many positions from a Lead Sales Consultant to Warehouse Manager. During this time he also owned and operated LNR Window Repair. Lawrence had a love for music, in his early days he had rooms filled of records, stereo systems and gadgets, and would often be known for entertaining others going by the name of Atomic Sounds. Always about family, cooking, grilling, good laughs and music, he was known for his extravagant get-togethers with endless food, drinks, and at times games of dominos that would go from sun down to sunset to the next day. On December 12, 2018, our lives changed forever as Lawrence was called home; yet, as a result of his generous spirit and heart-warming personality, his influence will forever remain in the lives of all whom knew him. Lawrence leaves to mourn his mom Heather Raphael in Trinidad, his wife, Casandra “Judy; his children, Carrion, Jessica, Samantha, Brian, and Lawrence “LJ”; grandchildren, Shakiya, Brooklyn, Shaniella, Kennedy and Cassidy; and a host of siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, sisters, brothers, sisters and brothers in laws, extended family and close friends too numerous to mention but too important to forget from Trinidad, Grenada, Canada and the USA.
Special Info  Viewing and Service at St.Gabriel's Episcopal Church-331 Hawthrone St Brooklyn NY- Wednesday December 19th 2018 : Viewing 5-7 Service 7-9

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   casandra renaud (judy)
Location:  brooklyn, New York, USA

Please accept my deepest sympathy. May the God of all comfort,Jehovah, strengthen you during this difficult time. He will soon end death once and for all time. A life of true happiness and peace awaits us all. (Revelation 21:4; Acts 24:15)
ST. GEORGE [12/20/2018]
