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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Isaac Charles - Grenada

Name  " Isaac Charles "
Better Know As  Ba-Boon
D.O.D  10/10/2014
Parish From  St. John's
District  Concord
Place of Death  Atlanta Georgia
Service Date
10/17/2014  @ 7:00pm


We regret to announced the death of Isaac Charles, better known as Ba-Boon of Concord, St. John's who passed away on Friday October 10 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia The Funeral for the late Isaac Charles will be held at St. Vincent Ferrer R.C. Church, 925 East 37th Street, Brooklyn, New York.(corner of 37 Street and Glenwood Road) Viewing from:5:00-7:00pm Funeral Mass at 7:00pm

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

my deepest sympath to the entire family of Isaac my prayers are with you in this time of your loss. This is quite a shock for me since he had given me his number so that we touch base sometime he was my close school mate, am terribly sorry we did not have time speak, but the good lord knows best. keep strong..
GRENADA [10/22/2014]

Accept please my warm sympathy. Be comforted by 2 cor1:3-6.I am willing to share further encouraring thoughts with you at your convenient time. my contact is Phone Number is 347 675 5632
BROOKLYN,NY [10/20/2014]

Dear Joanna, Wilson, Leon & others words are not enough to express how sorry I am for the loss of your brother Isaac. May the God of comfort, comfort you, give you the strength and courage you need to handle this difficult times and may the love of family and friends comfort you too. Stay strong, stay well, my deepest sympathy to you all
LONDON [10/20/2014]

Dear Joanna, Wilson, Leon & others words are not enough to express how sorry I am for the loss of your brother Isaac. May the God of comfort, comfort you and give you the strength and courage you need to handle this difficult times and may the love of family and friends comfort you too. Stay strong, stay well Joycelyn Hector
LONDON [10/20/2014]

My Dearest friend Celia, wishing you strength to face the days ahead, and loving memories to forever hold within your HEART. My deepest sympathy to you, your beautiful daughters and the rest of the Charles Family. Rest In Paradise Issac. God Bless you all.

My deepest sympathy goes out to Christopher, Dennis and the rest of the Charles family on this sad occasion. May the good memories you shared with him strengthen you all at this time. May he rest in peace.
BROOKLYN [10/14/2014]
