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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Theresa Dolores Philip - Grenada

Name  " Theresa Dolores Philip "
D.O.B  05/30/1954
D.O.D  08/24/2017
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Grand Bras
Place of Death  Brooklyn, NY
Service Date
08/31/2017  @ 7:00pm


The funeral service for the late Theresa Philip will be held on Thursday, August 31, 2017 at St. Matthews Roman Catholic Church (1123 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11213). There will be a viewing held from 5 to 7 pm with the service beginning at 7pm.
Special Info  We regret to announce the passing of our dearly beloved one Theresa Dolores Philip aka “Dolorise”, originally from Grand Bras, St. Andrew’, who resided in New York. She was a former employee of Bellevue hospital. Left to mourn are her daughter, Betina, granddaughter Xavier, siblings Philippa and Anthony (Chico) in Grenada; Magdalene in NY; nieces and nephews including Dona, Claudia, Kenny, Arlene, Steve, Michael, Kevin, Tarina, Ann, Wayne, Desmond Janet and Lisa. Grand-aunt to many including Donette, Donice, Debbie, Taurian in NY. Great-grand-aunt to many including Kyle in NY. Other family members in Grenada, the US including Jerry, England including the Isaacs and Canada including the Langdon’s. Many friends including James and family, Janice and family, Ms.Green and family, Agnes and family, Roseann and family, Maria, David and family, Mike.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  David Williams Funeral Service, Inc.
Location:  Jamaica, New York, USA
Phone:  718 -291-3823

from Harvey family to Dolores family our condolence, rest in peace, my dear. may the Phillip family find comfort by remembering the good times that you shared together blessings to the family stay strong. (Vivian Harvey)
CANADA , TORONTO, [9/2/2017]

My sincere condolences. Some scriptures that have comforted me are Revelation 21:3,4 and John 5:28,29. May they give you hope and encouragement.
ST. GEORGE [9/2/2017]

To the family of Dolores our condolences she will be miss she was a wonderful person and friend may you all find comfort in the Lord ,knowing she is resting peacefully . When the way grows a little steep, May you feel His loving arm outstretched To supply both Strength and rest This loving Prayer is meant for her Daughter & granddaughter
PANAMA [8/30/2017]

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Some comforting scriptures that help me to cope is acts 24:15 and psalm 34:18 i look forward to the time when death will be no more isaiah 25:8
GRENADA [8/30/2017]

Rest in peace, my dear. May your family find comfort by remembering the good times you shared together. Blessings! The Clement family.
MARYLAND, USA [8/29/2017]
