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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Catherine Verina Gibbs - Grenada

Name  " Catherine Verina Gibbs "
Better Know As  FLAT
D.O.B  02-05-1952
D.O.D  08/30/2018
Parish From  St. George
District  Brizan
Place of Death  East Orange, New Jersey
Service Date
09/14/2018  @ 7:00pm


We regret to announce the death of Catherine Verina Gibbs "aka FLAT" of Brizan, St. George who resided in East Orange, New Jersey who passed away on Thursday, Aug, 30th 2018 at the age of 66 Funeral Service for the late Catherine Verina Gibbs will be on Friday, September 14th, 2018 at the St. Matthew R. C. Church 1123 Eastern Parkway(corner of Utica and Eastern Parkway) Funeral Viewing: 5:00 - 7:00pm Funeral Mass: :7:00pm The late Catherine Verina Gibbs will return to her home land Grenada for final interment. The death is announced of Catherine Verina Gibbs AKA “Flat” of Brizan St. Georges who resided in the USA. She passed away on August 30th 2018 at the age of 66. She was the lifetime partner of Augustus Alexis AKA “DAY SHAY SHAY”. Mother of Mosha Campbell-Snagg. She was like a mother to Steven Joseph AKA “Sinbad” and Everall Stewart in the USA. Grandmother of Mushawna Campbell-Snagg and Mother in law of David Snagg. Godmother of many including Amanda Redhead, Martin Haynes and Dalier Purcell in Grenada, Roxanne Redhead and Jeffrey Joseph in Canada. Sister of Pearlyn Gibbs in the US, Micheal and Pilgrim Gibbs in Grenada, Gregory Gibbs in Antigua, Sharon and Jason Gibbs in the UK. Aunt of Kada Patrick-Mc Intosh, Tamera, Glenda and Dr. Kirwin Gibbs in the US. Karlene, Kevon, Sherwayne and Tahira Gibbs. Jason, Marissa and Ixxty Joseph in Grenada. Darren Gibbs in Antigua. Niece of Dora Joseph in Grenada, Parris, Watson, Daphney, Laura and Muriel in the UK. Grandaunt of Kaden and Kiera in the US. Lifetime friends of Ann Evans, Jenny Peters and Einstein Louison in the US, Paula Matthew in Grenada. Other relatives and friends including, Latasha Campbell- Redhead, Dr. Joseph Campbell, the Campbell family in the US and Grenada, Theresa Joseph, Sharlene Superville, Lovanne Lynch, Roxanne Peterkin, The Watts Family, Glenda Gibbs and the Gibbs family in the US and Grenada, Joan, Valerie, Charlene, Timothy Gibbs, Ermintrude Snagg and Members of the Melchizedek Family all in the US. Alice Mitchell, Glenna Redhead, Lloyd Campbell and Family, Eunice and the Sandy Family of Happy Hill. The RT Honorable Dr. Keith Mitchell. Debbie Britton, the Joseph Family in the US and Grenada.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

Sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have consoled my heart during my bereavement. I truly appreciate your thoughts, prayers, hugs, kind words etc. Today Mom will be laid to her Final resting place. May she continue to sleep in peace. Love you forever and always MOM
GRENADA [9/19/2018]

A heartfelt sympathy to Morsha and family external rest grant unto to her RIP
NEW YORK [9/16/2018]

Please accept my heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your loved one.
BROOKLYN [9/14/2018]

My deepest condolences to your family from my family.
38 EAST 96 STREET [9/9/2018]

Please accept my deepest sympathy. May the God of all comfort,Jehovah, strengthen you during this difficult time. He will soon end death once and for all time. A life of true happiness and peace awaits us all. (Revelation 21:4; Acts 24:15)
ST. GEORGE [9/7/2018]
