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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Tobias Dennis Paul - Grenada

Name  " Tobias Dennis Paul "
Better Know As  Shorty
D.O.B  Nov. 20 1937
D.O.D  10/06/2018
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Confrence
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
10/26/2018  @ 6:00pm


We regret to announce the death of Tobias Dennis Paul aka Shorty from conference , St. Andrews who resides in Marian, St. George and Brooklyn, New York who passed away on Saturday, October 6th,2018 in Brooklyn, New York at the age of 80 Funeral Service will be at St. Vincent Ferrer R.C. Church, 925 East 37 Street, Brooklyn, New York (corner of 37 St. and Glenwood road) on Friday, October 26th 2018

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

Condolences to the family and friends of Uncle Shorty on behalf of the Primus Family (Allan, Patricia & Coleen), Janet and Walton and the Dominoes Crew of Marian St. George's Grenada
MARIAN GRENADA [10/26/2018]

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will soon reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST. GEORGE [10/16/2018]

Please accept our deepest sympathy. We pray the our loving heavenly Father will comfort your family during this time of sorrow. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4
ST. PATRICK'S, GRENADA [10/12/2018]
