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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Margaret Walcott - Grenada

Name  " Margaret Walcott "
Better Know As  Fin
D.O.B  July 30, 1935
D.O.D  09/28/2019
Parish From  St. Andrews
District  Munich
Place of Death  Staten Island
Service Date
11/15/2019  @ 7:00pm


We regret to announce the death of Margaret Walcott (aka Fin) who passed away on Saturday September 28th, 2019 in Staten Island at the age of 84 Funeral Service for the late Margaret Walcott will be at the St. Matthews R.C. Church, 1123 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York (corner of Utica ave and Eastern Parkway)on Friday, November 15th 2019 at 7:00PM Viewing: 5:00 - 7:00PM Funeral Mass: 7:00PM
Special Info   She was the Mother of John aka Willian and Anthony aka Alston Bernard. Sister of Cecilia Horsford, Ruth, Monica, Anastasia, Clyde, Theophilus and Cornelius Walcott. Grandmother of six, including Rachael and Jeromie. Great Grandmother of two. Other realitives and friends in the US, Canada and Grenada includes: Kathyann, Kathleen and Lenroy Walcott, Joy Mason. Ryan, Jeslyn and Merlyn Horsford. Eric Rogers and Gertrude Mc. Millian. Mother of the late Glenda Bernard Internment will be on Saturday November 16th.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

Please accept our deepest sympathy. We pray that our loving Heavenly Father will comfort your family during this time of sorrow. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4.
