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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Patrick Michael George - Grenada

Name  " Patrick Michael George "
D.O.B  1/11/1941
D.O.D  12/01/2019
Parish From  St. Patricks
District  Rosehill
Place of Death  Staten Island, New York
Service Date
12/19/2019  @ 2:00pm


The death is announced of Patrick Michael George who passed away in Staten Island, New York. Patrick George was originally from Rosehill,St. Patrick's but resided in Paradise, St. Andrew's. The remains of Patrick George will be shipped back to his beloved homeland of Grenada for interment at the Grand Bras Cemetery in St. Andrew's.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Hosten Funeral Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-332-4350


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