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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Gloria Hugh - Grenada

Name  " Gloria Hugh "
Better Know As  Gloria Maureen (John) Hugh
D.O.B  April 28, 1962
D.O.D  03/23/2024
Parish From  St. Patricks
District  Hermitage
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
04/14/2024  @ 4:00pm


Funeral service will be held at 4PM on Sunday April 14, 2024, at the New Haven SDA Church,634 Prospect Pl. Brooklyn, NY 11216 (between Franklin Ave. and Bedford Ave.) Interment will be at 10:30AM on Monday Aril 15, 2024, at Rosehill Cemetery, Linden New Jersey.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  S.A. Johnson Funeral Home
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  347-777-9797

Sincere Condolences to Fiona and The John Family on such a Profound Loss. May You All find Comfort in The Wonderful Memories You Shared. Soar High Beautiful Soul.
BROOKLYN, NY [3/29/2024]
