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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Anita Mary Hill - Grenada

Name  " Anita Mary Hill "
D.O.B  03/11/1928
D.O.D  01/11/2023
Parish From  St. Patricks
District  La Taste
Place of Death  Brooklyn, NY
Service Date
01/27/2023  @ 7:00pm


The funeral service for the late Anita Mary will be held at St. Vincent Ferrer Church, located at 925 E 37th St, Brooklyn, NY 11210. The viewing starts at 6:00pm, follow by service at 7:00pm. The late Anita Hill will be send back to her home country Grenada where her final resting place will be at River Sallee Cemetery, St. Patrick's. The family of the Anita Hill thanks everyone for their condolences during this time bereavement.
Special Info  Anita Hill was born as Anita Mary Daly on March 11, 1928 in La Taste, St. Patrick, Grenada, West Indies. She was the last child born to Nathaniel Daly and Elizabeth Eliza "Doods" Daly. Anita had an enjoyable childhood experience as she loved being with her parents and eight siblings: Ralph, Bella, Margaret, Lily, Muriel, Linda, Nevlin, and Bennett. Although she loved being with her family and enjoyed life in Grenada, she wanted the opportunity to build herself and embrace new experiences in another country. With those ambitions in mind, she decided to immigrate to America and make her residence in Brooklyn, New York. While residing in Brooklyn, Anita was employed as a Home Care Attendant for many years. She performed her work duties as an attendant with diligence, professionalism and a genuine care and concern for her clients. Although Anita was occupied with her busy lifestyle, she was never too busy that she could not sacrifice time and energy for family and friends. If a family member or friend faced a challenge or struggle in life, Anita would never hesitate to offer advice or provide assistance to them to help them cope or resolve their issue(s). Anita was a genuinely loving, caring and loyal person. In addition to her nurturing spirit, Anita also had a very jovial personality and believed in living and enjoying every moment of life. This enjoyment included attending parties and other social gatherings where she could simply have fun and live life in the moment. As the years passed, her health steadily declined. Sadly, on January 11, 2023, Anita passed away at the age of 94. Ironically, she passed away on the same date as her sister Lily who died 37 years earlier on January 11, 1986. Anita is survived by her son, Andrew, and daughter-in-law, Denise, as well as numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends including, but not limited to: Bernice, Patrick, Eugene, Eugenia, Claudius, Maria, Haiba, Celia, McLeish, George, Linda, Alison, Jenny Backer, Leah Payne-Figaro, Teresa Frederick, Jennifer Lewis, Theodore Lewis, Randolph Scott (Anita’s God Son), Victoria St. John (Anita’s God Daughter) Bentley Abraham (one of Anita’s nephews), Patsy Daniel, Gordon Daniel, Rodney Mark, Cecil Bain, Alford St. Cyr, Eileen St. Cyr Renwick, Jean Johnson, Errol Johnson, Adrian Rollins (one of Anita’s nephews who resides in England), Lucy James (one of Anita’s nieces who resides in Venezuela), Jones and Family of River Sallie, St. Patrick, Arthur Toussaint of La Taste, St. Patrick (now residing in Canada), Vibert Frederick and Tonya of La Taste St. Patrick, Hazel Charles of La Taste, St. Patrick, Bernardine Philbert of La Taste, St. Patrick, Theresa John Logan & Reginald John of Mt. Rose, St. Patrick, Cousin Ann of River Sallie, St. Patrick, Noel Daly, Braddock Sam (close family friend) and The Staff at the Linden Center Nursing Home (who provided very good care to Anita in her later years). A special thanks to Denise Daly (Anita's Daughter-in-Law) who, along with Andrew, went above and beyond to care for Anita while she was at the Linden Center Nursing Home. Anita is no longer physically with us but she remains very much with us in spirit. May God grant her eternal rest.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  David Williams Funeral Service, Inc.
Location:  Jamaica, New York, USA
Phone:  718 -291-3823

Just to say my thoughts are with you both at this time. May your Mother Andy (my dear Aunt) rest in peace.
ENGLAND [1/27/2023]

Andy and Denise, I pray that God comfort you during these difficult days,and may he grant Aunt Anita everlasting life. With Love, Cousin Eugene
PHILADELPHIA, PA. [1/26/2023]

Heartfelt condolences to Andy and family on the passing of your mom. May she sleep in eternal peace.
BROOKLYN NY [1/22/2023]

Heartfelt condolences to Andy, Denise, and the rest of the family… From Ven, and the rest of the John’s Peters, and Bubb’s family!.. Our thoughts, and prayers are with you at this difficult time.. May mom’s soul R.I.P…🙏🏿🙏🏿🌹🌹
BROOKLYN,NY [1/22/2023]
