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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Ignatius Loftus Purcell - Grenada

Name  " Ignatius Loftus Purcell "
Better Know As  "Palof" or White Head
D.O.B  01/25/1932
D.O.D  03/09/2023
Parish From  St. Davids
District  Vincennes
Place of Death  Brooklyn NY
Service Date
03/25/2023  @ 9:30am


Viewing will be held on March 24th 5pm-7pm Harmony Funeral Home 2200 Clarendon Road, Brooklyn NY 11226 Funeral Service will be held on March 25th 9:30am Our Lady of Miracles Church 757 East 86th Street, Brooklyn NY 11236

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Kenni Gabriel
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA

My Sincere condolences to Patricia Thomas on the loss of her Dad and Richard my nephew on the loss of his Grandfather. You and the entire Family are in our Prayers. Auntie Lloydris.
BROOKLYN, N.Y. [3/21/2023]

Samantha: He made everyone feel welcomed and loved. The life of life and so you wished or expected he would live forever. He has however left great memories and a wonderful legacy. May He Rest In Eternal Peace. My Condolences to all the Family. Tevin: Sending prayers and condolences, we had many fond memories of Papa when I was growing up here. May he rest in power! Love you all .❤️
CONNECTICUT, USA [3/20/2023]
