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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Paul Anthony Mitchell - Grenada

Name  " Paul Anthony Mitchell "
Better Know As  Tony
D.O.B  07/06/1934
D.O.D  01/27/2023
Parish From  NULL
Place of Death  Brooklyn, NY
Service Date
02/24/2023  @ 6:00pm


The funeral service for the late Paul Anthony Mitchell will be held on Friday, February 24th, 2023 at The Ruby Deliverance Tabernacle located at 4901 Snyder Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203. The viewing begins at 5:00pm follow by the Service at 6:00pm. Internment will be held at Laurel Grove Cemetery, 295 Totowa Road, Totowa New Jersey, on Saturday February 25th February. The family of Paul Anthony Mitchell thanks everyone for their love and support during this time of bereavement.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  David Williams Funeral Service, Inc.
Location:  Jamaica, New York, USA
Phone:  718 -291-3823


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