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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Allan Goodings - Grenada

Name  " Allan Goodings "
Better Know As  Husker
D.O.B  January 13, 1952
D.O.D  03/30/2022
Parish From  1000St. Andrews
District  Grand Bras
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
04/19/2022  @ 6:00pm


Allan Goodings (aka –Husker) of Grand Bras , St. Andrew , Grenada - who resided in Brooklyn -New York departed this earth on Wednesday, March 30th 2022 at the age of 70. He was the son of: Gasper and Winnifred Goodings. Husband of: Karen Mayes Goodings. Father of: Janay Goodings, Andrea Spencer, Keisha Hay and Shynell Bridges. Grandfather of: Honesty, Major, Ali, Messiah, Cyrus, Seth,Shylah and Xavier. Brother of: Jennifer , Daphne, Francis (Jeff), Kenneth( Police), Henry (Noot) and Derek (Free). Son-in-law of: Lou Ella Mayes. Nephew of: Angela Abraham. Brother-in-law of: Mary, Angella, Debbie , Margaret, Judith Goodings,Darlene Jackson, Wade Lewis , Denzil Mc Meo, Cornelius and Delino Mayes. Uncle of many including:Anthony, Ken, Derek Jr., Keon , Denzil , Brian, Stephen, Amanda, Tahira,Stacy-ann,Darhea and Danielle. Cousin of many including: Winston, Trevor, Raymond, Elvis , Errol ,Dunbar, Donna, Cecelia, Patricia and Lystra. Relatives and Close friends: Abraham, Hopkins, Thomas, Parris, Prince, Thorne, Mc Auley, Annie Bain and family, Dennis, Floyd and Steve Daniel. Lovingly submitted by his family. Funeral service will be held on Tuesday April 19, 2022 at St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise Roman Catholic Church, 1081 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 (between Lincoln Rd. and Maple St.) Viewing:6PM Service:7PM A private cremation will be held the following day.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  S.A. Johnson Funeral Home
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  347-777-9797

Condolences to the the Family & Friends of Allan. With heartfelt sympathy to you all. With love and prayers that he may RIP. Laurice and the Matthew Family of UK & Grenada
UK & GRENADA [4/19/2022]
