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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Jennifer Oslin Yolande Thompson - Grenada

Name  " Jennifer Oslin Yolande Thompson "
Better Know As  Joy
D.O.B  10/31/1957
D.O.D  12/02/2021
Parish From  St. George
District  St. Pauls
Place of Death  Germantown, MD
Service Date
01/30/2022  @ 11:00am


Jeniffer Oslin Yoland Thompson, better known as Joy, formerly from St. Pauls, St. George, who resided in Maryland, USA, passed away on December 2, 2021 at the age of 64. She was the daughter of the late Daphne and Morgan Thompson. She was the sister of Lennox Isaac, Patrick Thompson (deceased), Ian “Cuttie” Thompson in Grenada, and Leslie “Sky” Thompson in the US. She was the sister in law of Arlette Isaac and Clothilda Thompson. She was the niece of Jerome Isaac, better known as Linton Isaac. Aunt of many nieces and nephews including Justice Patrick Thompson Jr in St. Lucia, Garth and Ricardo Thompson in Grenada, Jerome and Salena Thompson in the UK, Melanie and Leslie Isaac in Canada. Many cousins, other relatives and friends including the Paulson and Simon families, Lysline Joanna Lewis-Samuel, Winston Samuel, Hermilin Ashton and Janice McNish in the US, the Thompson family of St Pauls and the Samuel family in the US. The funeral of the late Jeniffer Oslin Yoland Thompson will take place on Sunday, January 30, 2022 in the US.

  Family/Friend Info:
Contact:   Lysline Samuel (Joanna)
Location:  Riverdale, Maryland, USA

Sincere condolences to Ian and family on the loss of your loved one. May she Rest In Peace.
NEW YORK, USA [2/18/2022]

My sincere condolences to Oslin’s family and friends on her passing. Rest In Peace, Oslin.
BROOKLYN [2/9/2022]
