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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Veronica Thomas - Grenada

Name  " Veronica Thomas "
D.O.B  3/17/1958
D.O.D  04/08/2022
Parish From  St. George
Place of Death  Brooklyn NY
Service Date
04/23/2022  @ 2:00pm


The services will take place on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at Bedford Central Presbyterian Church at 1200 Dean Street (corner of Nostrand Ave) in Brooklyn, NY. The viewing will be from 2-3pm immediately followed by the service at 3pm. The late Mrs. Thomas will be laid to rest in Grenada.
Special Info  Our parents give us life. But our grandparents give us a sense of who we are and where we came from Annette was born and raised in Grandmal, St. Georges, Grenada, where she continued to build her foundation. She was an entrepreneur where she owned her own hair salon-Best known for her grease dripping jerry curls. Annette was a cricket player who played the position of a fast bowler. Cricket was her favorite sport to watch and would try to find it even when she was in America. She also did arts and crafts and was a home maker. She later became a children’s caretaker for last 20 years of her life. She cared for the children of friends and family including her children, her nieces and nephew, brothers and sisters and anyone who needed straighten out in grandmal. They say you go in bend and come out straight. She loved the lord and would always encourage us to get closer to God. She would want to take us to go to church but when we come Grenada for vacation nobody studying that. We go down to jump up and party but she never gave up. She continued to preach the word to the end. Even when she came to New York, she carried the lord with her. Annette was a caring and nourishing woman whose memory will always be with us and when our time comes we hope to see her again same day.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  David Williams Funeral Service, Inc.
Location:  Jamaica, New York, USA
Phone:  718 -291-3823

sympathy goes out to her husband's children and family May her soul rest in peace
BROOKLYN [4/23/2022]

Aunty Omie and family sends condolences to your husband, kids and the rest of the family as you face this difficult time in your life. It is a road we all have to walk at sometime but never look forward to it. May God give you the strength to deal with it. Cherish the memories you have.
CANADA [4/23/2022]

Condolences to her family and friends. May her soul Rest-In-Peace
BROOKLYN, NY [4/21/2022]

My condolences goes out to family God giveth and take rip
BROOKLYN [4/18/2022]

Our condolences go out to the family of Veronica Thomas, may her soul rest in peace.
BROOKLYN NY [4/16/2022]
